Page:A new and general biographical dictionary; containing an historical and critical account of the lives and writings of the most eminent persons in every nation v1.djvu/17

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xi ] ADVERTISEMENT. nature of the BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY having been fufficiently explained in the foregoing Preface ; it remains only to mention, that the interval of time fince the former publication has been in no finall de- gree employed in preparing the prefent edition. With this view, the whole work has been atten- tively revifed j fome fuperfluities retrenched ; not a few of the former articles new written ; and more than six HUNDRED NEW LIVES added, without increafm the number of the volumes. The lofs of feveral amiable men of letters dur- ing the fhort period in which this work has been paffin througTT the prefs, and the occafional in- formations that have been very recently received, xvhilft they fiirnifh an apology for deficiencies tli nt may be obferved in an undertaking which from the nature of it can never be complete, vill fuggeft to our Readers the expediency of 9 looking