Page:A new and general biographical dictionary; containing an historical and critical account of the lives and writings of the most eminent persons in every nation v1.djvu/179

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A L D R I C H. i <c writing, far beyond any thing which h;id before that time

  • ' appeared in our language." In limit, he rfcul tuulrrt.! Hin.of own

himfelf fo confpicuous, that, ut the Revoiuti n, when ; '"' clt fey, the Popifh dean of Chritt Church, tied beyond lr.i, tlu deanery was conferred upon him, and IK- was inlta'le I in it June the i/th, 1689. In this ftation he behaved in :i exemplary manner, and ECaloufiy promoted kerning, religion, and virtue in the college where he prdicicd. In imitation of his predeceilor Bifliop Fell, he publifhcd generally every fome Greek clafllc, or portion of one, as u git'c to the ftudcnts of his houfe. He wrote alfo a fyftem of logic, entitled, " Artis Logicae Compendium ;" and many other things, which no more than his editions of the Greek authors we arc able to fay precifely. The publication of Clarendon's Hif- tory of the Rebellion was committed to him and Bifhop Spratt; and they were charged by OldflUKon with having al- tered and interpolated that work; but the charge was (ufii- ciently refuted. Befidcs attainments in letters, he pofiefied alfo very great (kill in architecture and m-ific; fo great, that, as the con- noifleurs fay, his excellence in either would alone have made hi.n famous to pofterity. The three fides of the quadrangle HiwkiM, ofChrift Church, Oxford, called Pcckwater-fquare, WCI "-"^ r ; c ' fo | defigned by him ; as was alfo the elegant Chapel of Trinity^ . "'.j'c. College, and che Church of All-Sainjs in the high-itroet; tu the erection whereof Dr. RatcIifF, at his folicitition, was a liberal contributor. He cultivated alfo malic, that branch of it particularly which related both to his profeflion and his office. To this end he made a noble collection of church muftc, and formed alfo a defign of writing a hittory of the fcience; having collected materials, which are ftill extant in the library of his own college. In trath, his abilities as 2 mufician have caufed him to be ranked among the greateft he com p? fed m.iny fervices tor the church, which are well known ; ay are alfo his anthems, to the number of near twenty. In the " Pleafant Mufical Companion," printed 1726, a:e two caches of his; the one, Hark the bonny Chrift Church Bells," the other intitlcd " A Smoaking Catch j" for he himfelf was, it feems, a j^reat fmoaker. Befides the preferments already mentioned, he was roooc of Wem in Shropfhite. He was prolocutor of the convoc.i- tion in 1702. He died at Chrift Church, December 14, 17 The tradts he published in the Popifh coatrovcrsy v - " Upon the Adoration of our Saviour in the Hucharilt," o printed