Page:A new and general biographical dictionary; containing an historical and critical account of the lives and writings of the most eminent persons in every nation v1.djvu/180

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144 A L D R I C H. printed in 1687, and 1688, 410. We have not been able tfl get an account of the Greek authors he publifhed, except tnefe following: j. " Xenophontis Memorabilium, lib. 4. 1690," 8vo. 2. " Xcnophontis Sermo de Agefilao, 1691," 8vo. 3 " Ariftcrs Hiftoria 72 Interpretum, 1692," Svof 4. " Xenophon de re equeftri, 1693," 8vo. 5. " EpictetuS et Theophraftus, 1707," 8^0. 6. " Platonis, Xenophnntis, Plutarchi, Luciani, Sympofia, 1711," 8vo. This laft was publifned in Greek only, the reft in Greek and Latin ; and all printed at G)xford. I have mentioned his Logic already. He printed alfo Elements of Architecture in Latin. He had a hand in Gregory's Greek Teftament, printed at Oxford in 1 703, folio ; and (ome of his notes are printed in Havercamp's edition of Jofephus. ALDROVANDUS (ULYSSES), profeflbr of philofophy and phyfic at Bologna, the place of his nativity, was a molt curious enquirer into natural hiftory, and travelled into the moft diftarit countries on purpofe to inform himfelf of their natural productions. Minerals, metals, plant?, and animals, were the objects of his curious refearches ; but he applied himfelf chiefly to birds, and was at great expence in having Miraeus de figures of them drawn from the life. Aubert le Mire fays, Scnptori- that h e g ave a cer tain painter, famous in that art, a yearly fa- bus.fajc.xvi. , riii r i i p. 154. ' ar y ' two hundred crpwns, for thirty years and upwards; Merclclinus and that he employed at his own expence Lorenzo Bennini LmHen. anc j Cornelius Swinttis s as well as the famous engraver Chifto- p. 1047. pher Coriolanus. Thefe expences ruined his fortune, and at length reduced him to the utmoft necefiity ; and it is faid that he died blind in an hofpital at Bologna, at a great age, in 1605. Mr. Bale obferves, that antiquity does not fur- nifh us with an inftance of a defign fo extenfive and fo labo- rious as that cf Aldrovandus, with regard to natural hiftory; that Piiry indred has treated of more fubjecls, but only touches them lightly, whereas Aldrovandus has collected all he could meet with. His compilation, or what at leaf! was compiled upon his plan, confifts of feveral volumes in folio, fome of which were printed after his death. He himfelf publifhed his Ornitho- logy, or Hiftory of Birds, in three foiio volumes, in 1599; and his feven books Of Infects, which make another volume of the fame fize. The volume Of Serpents, three Of Qua- drupeds, one Of Fifties, that Of exfanguineous Animals, the Hiftory of Monfters, with the Supplement to that Of Animals, the treatife Of Metals, and the Dendrology or 7 Hiftory