Page:A new and general biographical dictionary; containing an historical and critical account of the lives and writings of the most eminent persons in every nation v1.djvu/196

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160 ALEXANDER. tics ; and he has added three difl'ertations, wherein he has roiiec~ted what relates to the life, manners, error?, and de- fenders of St. Cyprian. The hiftory of the fourth century is fo very exienfive, that Alexander has found matter for three volumes, and forty-five diiFertations ; they were printed at Paris in 1679. In the three following years he publifhed his hiftory of the fifth, fixih, fcventh, eighth, ninth, and tenth centurifs ; and that cf thj eleventh and twelfth cen- turies in if 83: in thefe volumes are feveral differtations againft: Mr. Daiile, and i'n fume of them lie treats of the dif- putes between the princes an<l popes in fuch a manner, that a decree from Rome was iiui-^l out a>ainfths writings in O O 1684. However he published the fame year the hilloiy of the thirteenth and fouiteenth centuries, in which he con- tinued to defend the njrhts of kin/s againA th? pte tension's of O _/ O that court. He at laft completed his work in 168*), by pub- lifhing four volumes, which contained the hiftory of the fifteenth and fixteenth centuries. In 1689, he publifhed a work, in the fame method, upon the Old Teftament, in fix volumes 8 vo. In 1678, he publifhed three diflertations, the firft concerning the fuperiority of biflv-ps over prefbyters, sgainft Blondel; the fecond concerning the celibacy of the clergy, and reconciling the hiftory of Paphnutius with the canon of the council of Nice ; and the third concerning the Vulgate verfion of Scriptures. The fame vear he printed a differtation concerning facramental confeflion againlt Mr. Paille, in 8vo. In 1682, he wrote an apology for his difier- tatioh upon the Vulgate tranflation, againft Claudius Frafien. He publifhed likewife about this time, or fome time before, three diflertations in de'ence of St. Thomas Aquinas; the firft againft Henfchenius and Papebroch, to fhew that the office of the holy facrament was written by him ; the fecond was inform of a dialogue between a Dominican and a Fran- rifcan, to confute the common opinion that Alexander of Halts was St. Thomas Aquinas's mafter, and that the latter borrowed his " Secunda Secundae" from the former : the third is a panegyric upon Aquinas, in 169.;, he publifhed his

    • Theologia dogmatica," in five books, or "Pofitive and mo-

ral Divinity, according to 'he Order of the Catechifm of the Council of Trent." This work, confiftmzof ten octavo volumes, was printed at Paris and at Venice in 1698 : in 1701 he added another volume j. and they were all printed together at pans, in tuo volumes folio, in 1/03, with a coJIe5tion of Latin letters, which hau been printed feparately. In 1703, he publifhed " A commentary upon the four Gofpels," in folio; 3 and