Page:A new and general biographical dictionary; containing an historical and critical account of the lives and writings of the most eminent persons in every nation v1.djvu/197

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A L E X A N D K R. in 1710, he publifhed another nt Roan upon Sr. Paul's and- the feven canonical epiftks. He vu,: . lomrnrn- tary upon the prophets Kahili, Jeiemi.Ji, ;i, I i; 'MM h, was never printed : we (hall mention tl, note [A], In 1706, he was made a tor : of Paris. Towards the latter part of his life, with the lofs of his fight 3 a moft inexpreffible misfortune) whofe whole pleafure was in ftudv, yet he bore it with great patience and lefignation. He died merely of a decay ot na- ture, 1724, in the 86th year of his age. TA] i. " Statuta facultatis artium " Thorrifticas collftrii" I ^r.ncuf. l"i " przdicatorum inihtuM. ParM". 1683." in iinio. a. " cuixiuinto-

  • ' rum tripartita, feu pr<ccepta et regula

" ad praeiica tores informandos,cum ideis " feu rudimentis concionum per totum " annum." 3. " Abrege de la foy et " de la moral dereglifftiree del' Ecri- " ture fainte, Paris, 1676," in 12010. 4. " EcUirciliement dcs pretendues diffi- " cultcs propoiets a monf. 1'aicheveque " de Rouen, fur plufieuis points irr.por- " tans de la morale de Je'fus Chrift, " 1697," in lamo. 5. "ALettertoa ' Dotior of Sorbonne, upon the Dif- " pute concerning Probahiiiry, and ihe " Errors of a Thefis in Divinity main- " tained by the Jefuits in their college

  • ' at Lyons, the a6th of Auguft, printed

" at Mons, 1697," in iamo. 6. " A " fecond letter upon the fame fubjeft, " 1697, " in ismo. 7. " An Apology " for the Dominican Miffionaries in " China, or an Anfwer to a Book of Tellier the Jffuif, intituled . v Chriftiinsj and to .in Exphiutii n publ:lhcii by I at! cr Cioblsn of the lame Society, ccncetn- in^ the Honoura which the Chmefe pay to Confucius and to the Dead, printed at Cologn, 1699" in izrro. " Uocumenta controverlijrum minio- " nariorum apof!ol:corum irriTerii Sinid " de cultu pr^fenim Confucii philofbphi " et progenitorum defunftorum fpec- " tantia, ac apologiim Dominicanoiurn

  • ' miflionis Sinicx miniflrorum adver-

" fuc RR. PP. leTe!!i:r ct !e C " focietaris Jefu confirmaii'.:.!." 9. " A " Treatile on the Conformity r-crurru " the Chinese Ceremonies an ! " Greek and Roanan Idchtiy, in * " to confirm the Apology of the Domi- " nican Willionaric in izmo. Tranllated into Italian, and printeJ at Col^gn, in 8vo. H- iik.i-.vire fevcn letters to the ; Comic and DC;, upon the lame fu p ALEXANDER. (WILLIAM), an eminent ftatefhnan nn 1 poet of Scotland, was born in 1580, and lived in the reigns of king James I. and Icing Charles I. After having received a liberal education, he travelled with the duke of Argyle as his tutor or companion. Upon his return from foreign parts, he went to Scotland, and betook himfelf for Come time to a rural retirement, where he finilhed his " Aurora," a poetical complaint on the unfucccfsful addrefshehad made to his mii- trefs ; for before he went abroad, when he was but h'fteen years of age, fome beauty had frnitten him fo deeply, that^ neither amufement of travelling, nor the fight of fo many rc . fair foreigners, as he calls the river Loire to witnefs he hadinqui". there mer with, could remove his afFe&ion. Upon his return, ^ he renewed his courtfhip, and wrote above aa hundred love-' VOL, L M fonncu,