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228 A N D R A D A. the fecond Sunday after Eiftcr, in 1562 : nor was he con- tented with the (6 r vice he did in explaining thofe points upon which he was confulted, but he employed his pen in defence of the canons of the council, in a treatife intitled

  • '- Orthodoxarum explicationum, lib. x." This is a reply to a

i book publiihed t>y Chemnitius, againff. the doctrine of the Je- fuits before the clofe of the council of Trent; and as Chem- nitius took this opportunity of writing a very large work, in- titled " Exannen concilii Trdentini," Andrada thought him- felf obliged to defend his f.rft piece a^ainit this learned adver- fary. He compofed therefore a book, which his two brothers published after his death, at Lifbcn, in 1578, intitled " De- " fenfio Tridentinse fiJet catholicse quinque libris compre- " henfa, adverfus has.eticorum calumnias, et praefertim Mar- " tini Chemnitii." Thefe pieces of Andrada have been printed feveral times, yet they are difficult to be met with. There is fcarceany cathol'C author who has been more-quoted by the proteftams than he, becaule he maintained fome opi- nions a lude extravagant concerning the falvation of the heathens. Andrada was eftecmed an excellent preacher : his fermons were publifhed in three parts, the fecond of which was tranflated into Spanifh by Benedict de Alarcon. The Bibliotheque of the Spanifli writers does not mention all his works; the book he wrote concerning the pope's au- thority, during the council, in the year 1562, is omitted. The pope's legates being veiy well pleafed with this work, fent it to cardinal Borromeo. The court of Rome liked it extremely, and the pope returned the author thanks in a very obliging manner. Many encomiums have been beftovved upon Andrada : Oforius, in his preface to the * c Orthodox " Explanations of Amlradius," gives him the character of a man of wit, vaft application, great knowledge in the lan- guages, with all the zeal and eloquence necefiary to a good preacher ; and Rofweidus fays, that he brought to the coun- cil of Trent the undemanding of a moft profound divine, and the eloquence of a confummate orator. ANDREAS (JAMES), a famous Lutheran divine, born at Waibling, in the duchy of VVirtembeTg, on the Melch'or 25th of March, 1528. His parents beinj; poor, intended to Adam, Vit. k r j n j to fome mechanical bulinefs, and had agreed Gtrrnanor. f e f iheoiog. with a carpenter tor that ptirpole ; but iome perions of p. 636. diftindtion having difcovered in him the marks of a promifing ker^'k 8* n ' us > contributed to fuppprt him in the profecution of oft-ino. hisftudics: he was accordingly educated under Alexander Marcoleon,