Page:A new and general biographical dictionary; containing an historical and critical account of the lives and writings of the most eminent persons in every nation v1.djvu/265

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ANDREAS. 229 Marcolcon, nnd in the (pace of two years made himf-lf mafter uf the Latin and Greek, and of Ic^ic. In 15;!, he was lent to Tubing, where he took his decree of bachelor of arts two years after; and having finifhed his courf of phi'olopny in I 45, he became mailer <>f arts. In 1546, he was appointed mimfter of the church of Stutgim), metropolis of the duchy of Wirtember>i; but upon the pub- lication of thf Interim he < ubl'^cd to return to Tubing, where he performed the ofli e of miniiter. in 1553, he took his decree of doctor 'n divinity, and was appointed paltor of the chur< h of (topping, and fuperintenddnt of the neigh- bouring churches. In 1557, he went to the diet of Ratifbon with Chrifiopher duke of Wirtemb' r^, and was appointed one of the fecretaries at the conference at Worms between the papifts and thei'ivines of the Aug-.iftan confeflion. The fame year he publiflu-d his firft work, * 4 De ccena Domini, " Of the Lord's Supper." In 1558, he wrote a reply to Sta- phylusN book againlt Luther. In 1559, he was fent to Augf- burg, where the diet of the empire was held. In 1561, he was fent to Paris, to be preient at the conference ot Poifli; but it broke up before he came thither [A]. Upon his re- turn, he was appi inted chancellor and rtdtor of the univer- fity of Tubing. In 1565, he was invited to eftablilb a church ibid. p. 645. at Hagcnaw, an imperial city, where he preached feveral fer- mons upon the principal points of the Ch'iftian religion, which were afterwards printed. In 156^, he aOifted Julius duke of Brunf ick, in reforming his churches. In 1569, he took a journey to Heidelberg, Brunfwkk, and Denmark.. [A] This confer-ncs wa dilTcl*ei fibfcrihed this conf: (Tion, there would on account of a fptecli of Bcja, wiio, hive been a lafung tranquiiliiy with rt- <iil, urfing in thai alTcmlily ln-f:rcihe pard 10 religion >n tl r kingdom cf kina aiiii the nohilry, cin.cer' in^ France. I!".', thi^ dcin.; rf'uied bj tf'.f: . Lord's 'upper, made At "t ' htrfe xvurds: all the ccnfultations aSont itlifiion M-IC " Ac f<r as the hi)>beft heaven is diiijr.t broken oft", and the irtetnhU imincni*trljr " t'r-.m the lowefl t"'th, '*> ^ r ' b lne oifiolveri. The knit; of N.ivire ^.5 ' bojy of Chrift ciftjnl l'r,.m the 'oreart rxt crrcly fvrry that th- lonf'rrrncc ended.

  • ind wine in theeurharift." AsCoon before the divinei of Wirun.bcig cie

as the papifts had he^rd tirs, they role arrived : however, And>ei and Bidrn- up atio uouLi in t hr^r nim Ipcalt any bach f<-nt a wriin'j; to htm, at hi' r - longer. But filence being ordered by queft, concerning ihe true a nl ucuuine the king's command, Beza was per- meaRingof the Aiifiiflan '>nWTion, in Hi'ttrd 10 finiih his Ipe'ch. The car- the article concf miiij the I. or .:'-! p f>; dinal cf Lorrain is laid to have pro- but they received no a nfwei HoA.-ver, pofed at this conference, ihit the Au- being lent for u> ihe queen . i, {.niftan confcfiion. which hj ' S'f 11 ext.i- they w>:re difmilifii v. n IMC ui bited to the emperor Charles in I5',o, civility, ,;:id r.-ttirneJ home. Melch, fliould be the ground of peace and aar e- Ad,,m, V^t. Cctm. Hhilof. p. 6,4, rnent between both parties. If Bc/^a 645. thcrefoie and his friends vvou'd have 0.3 In