Page:A new and general biographical dictionary; containing an historical and critical account of the lives and writings of the most eminent persons in every nation v1.djvu/279

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A N E L L O. 243 fwept, and that all maflers of families fhouIJ hang their win- dows and balconies with their richell lilks and tapeftrjr . He threw off his mariner's habit, and drolled himfclf in ( lotli or" {liver, with a fine plume of feathers in his hat; am! qioumed upon a prancing {teed, with a drawn fword in hi; hand, he went attended by fifty thoufand of the choiceft of the people. While he was in conference with the viceroy in a bal- cooy, he gave him furprifing proofs of the ready obedience of the people. Whatever cry he gave out, it was imme- diately echoed ; when he put his finger upon his mouth, there was a profound univerfal lilence, that fcarce a man was feca to breathe. At laft he ordered that they (hould all retire, which was puniiually and prefently obeyed, as if they had all vani/bed away. On the Sunday following the capitulations were figned and folemnly fworn to in the cathedral church to be bbferved for ever. Maflaniello declared, that now having accompiiihed his honeft defigns, he would return again to his former occupation, if he had kept this refolution, he might juflly have been reckoned one of the greateft heroes that any age or country ever produced. But as it is diverfely report- ed, either through the inflictions of his wife and kindred, through fear, or allured by the tafted fweets of rule and power, he ftill continued his authority: and what is worfe, exerciled it in a very capricious and tyrannical manner, info- much, that his beft friends began to be afraid of him. He feems indeed to have fallen into a phrcnzy, which rnight naturally enough be occafioned by his fudden eleva- tion, his care, and vigilance (for he feldom either cat or flept during the whole tranfaction), and by his immoderate drink- ing ot ftrong wine, which excels he gave into on the happy event. Four hardy gentlemen took an opportunity of afiaf- finating him. As he fell, he only cried out, " Ungrateful traitors !" His head was thrown into one ditch, and his body into another. ANGELIS (DoMiNico DE), author of fcvcral pieces re- lating to the hiitory of liteiature [A], was born the of October [A] They are as follow: i. " Dif- " iTcfi." 4. " Vita di AntoninO- lertazione intorna allapatru di Ennio. " raccio da N jrdo." s. " Vita dl An- Rome 1701." z. Viu di monfig- " drea Pelchiulli da Corigluno." Tliffc nor Roberto Caracciolo vefcovo two are not printed leparatrly, but in a d'Aquino e a Lecce, 1703." 3. colleflion. 6. " Vita di Giacorro An- Dclli vita c.'i Scipione Ammirato, " tonio Ferral, l.erc-, i-i-.' ^atririo Lecccfe. libri rre. Lecrr, < Vita di Giorgio Baglivo Lec< 8." Let-