Page:A new and general biographical dictionary; containing an historical and critical account of the lives and writings of the most eminent persons in every nation v1.djvu/280

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244 A N G E L I S. October, 1675, at Lecce, the capital of Otranto in the king- dom of Naples, of one of the nobleft and moil confiderable families in that city. He began his ftudies at Lecce, and at Seventeen years of age went to finifh them at Naples, when he applied very clofely to the Greek language and geometry. He went afterwards to Macerata, where he was admitted doctor of law. His defire of improvement induced him alfo to travel into France and Spain, where he acquired great re- putation. Several Academies of Italy were ambitious of pro- curing him as a member: accordingly we find his name not only amongft thofe of the Transformati and Spioni of Lecce, but alfo in that of the Inveftiganti of Naples, in the academy of Florence, and in that of the Arcadians at Rome, the laffc of which he was admitted into the 8th of Augufl, 1698. He received holy orders very early, and was afterwards canon and grand penitentiary of the church of Lecce, vicar general of Viefti, Gallipoli, and Gragnanc, firft chaplain of the troops of the kingdom of Naples and of the pope, auditor of M. Nicholas Negroni, and afterwards of the cardinal his uncle. Whiift Philip V. of Spain was matter of the kingdom of Naples, he was honoured with the title of principal hiftorio- grapher, and afterwards became fecretary to the duke of Gra- vina. He died at Lecce the Qth of Auguii, 1719, and was interred in the cathedral of that city. 8. " Lettera dHcorfiva al March. G'o- " rebre tecifata in nccafionedel!a.mor'e ' vani GiofefYo Orfi, dove fitratta dell' " dell' imperadore Giufeppe nel vefco- " ongine e progreiTi de fi< c 'nori accaoe- " val como di Gsllipoii, Naples, 1716." ' mici Spioni, e delle varie loro Jode- 12. " Scntfo iftorico legale /bpra le ra- " voli applicdzioni, Lecce, 1705," " gioni della fofpenfioui del' interdetto oftavo. 9. " Difcorfo hifterico, in cui "' locale generale Jel -a chiefs di Lfcce e

  • ' fi tratta dell' origine e delle fonda. ' lua dioceli, Rome, jyif;." jj.

" sione della citta ci Lecce e d'alcune " Tre lettere legale. 1 ' Thefe three " irigiiore e piu principal! nolizie di letters were written in defence of the ' ell a. Lecce, 1705." 10. " LeVire right cf the church of Lecce. 14, He " de lettered Saientini, partc I. The wrote iikewife feveral poems, particu- " Lives ot the learned men ot Terra larly feven fonnets, which are published " d'Otranto, pait I. Floience, 1710." in the fecond part of the " Rimo fcelte The fecond part was pubiil'hed at Napijs, " del Cgn. Bartolommeo Lippi," printed ' n quarto, n. " Orazione fu- at Lucca, 1719. ANGELUS (CHRISTOPHER), a learned Greek of the feventeeth century, author of ieveral works [A]. He was [A] They are as follow: i. " Of " mium on the Kingdom of Great Bri- " ihe many Stripes and Toiments in- " tain, ar.d the two flourishing fifter " fliclcd on him for the Faith he had in " L'niverfities, Cambridge and Oxford. " Jefus Chrift, Oxun. 1617." in Creek "Camlrhige, 1619." <j. " De ?pof- snei Engli 1 *.. 2. " Enchiridion <ie in- '< tafia t cclefiiC, et de homine peccati, ftituns Grzcotu-n,Csmbri.]t;e,i6l9," " fcil. Antichrifto, Lond :; , J6iri," in Gretk aiiQ Lt a. 3. " An Euco- Greek and Latin. born