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336 ARNOLD. pania, who bad refcucd him, he was carried to Romej where, being condemned by Peter, the praefeft of that city, to' be hanged, he was accordingly executed in the year 1 155. Thirty of his followers went from France to England, about the year 1160, in order to propagate (heir dt>6trine there ; but they were immediately feized and dcftroyed. ARNULPH, or ERNULPH, bifhop of Rochefter in the reign of Henry I. was bony in France, where he was Ibme time a monk of St. Lucian de Beauvais. The monks there led moft irregular lives, for which reafon he refolved to quit them ; but hrft took the advice from Lanfranc archbifhop of Canterbury, under whom he had ftudied in the abbey of Becc, when Lanfranc was prior of that monaftery. This prelate invited him over to England, and placed him in the W. M*l- monafteiy of Canterbury, where he lived a private monk till Cells' 36 Lanfranc's death. When Anfelm came to the archiepifcopal Pomif. Ang. fee, Arnulph was made prior of the monaftery of Canterbury, lib. iii. an d afterwards abbot of Peterborough. In 1115, he was confecrated bifhop of Rochtfter, which fee he held nine years, and died in March, 1124, aged eighty-four. Arnulph wrote a piece in Latin, concerning the foundation, endowment, charters, laws, and other things relating to the church of Rochefier : it is generally known by the title of

  • ' Textus Roffenfis," and is prcferved in the archives of the ca-

thedral church of Rochefter. Mr. Wharton, in his Anglia facra, has publifhed an extract of this hiftory [A]; and the late Dr. Thorpe of Rochefter has fince printed the whole. Arnulph wrote alfo a treatife intitled " Tomellus, five epiftola " Ernulphi deinceftis ccnjugiis [B] :" Alfo, " Epiftola fjlu- " tiones [A] This extrac.1 confifts of the fol- apoftle, at Rochefler, the manor of lowing particulars : Hedenham, for the maintenance of the 1. The names of the bifhops of Ro- monks : and why bifiiop Gundulphus chefier, from Juftus, who died in 1024, built for the king the ftonccaftle of Ro- to Ei'iiulphus. chefter, at his own expence. 2. Benefactions to the chardi of Ro- 6. A grant of the great king Wil- chefter. liatn. 3. Of the agreement made between 7. Of the difpute between GunduU artSiiifliop Lanfranc and Odo bilhop of phnsand Pichot, Bayeux. 8. Bcntfaclions to the church of Ro- 4. How Lanfranc reftcred to the chefter. monk? the lands of the church of St. [B] This letter was written in an- Andrciv, and others, which had been fwerto a queftion propofcd to AiT.u'.ph alienated from them. by Walkelin, in a converfation which 5. How king William did, at th re- they hcd at Canterbury upon this fub- ^ueft of archbifhnp of Lanfranc, grant jedl,^"Whethcr a woman, who had co.n- unto the church of St. Andrew the mitud adultery with her hujband's fon by