Page:A new and general biographical dictionary; containing an historical and critical account of the lives and writings of the most eminent persons in every nation v1.djvu/373

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A R N U L P H. 337 <c tiones quafdam contincns id vartas Lambert! abbltis Bei>

    • tiniani qu;HtmiKS, pr.rcipue tic o>, pore et (anguine Do-

" mini [c] :" " Aniwcis to divers Quettions of Lambert " Abbot of M under, efyecially concerning ihe Body and " Blocd of our Loid/' " by a former wife, ought to be Separated 4. Wl.y a third part of the hofl is put Mrom her huftwnd ?" Arnulph main- into the chalice ? tilncdtheiffirmatite/andWalkeHnthe 3. Why the blood of Chrift ia re. .Relive. Du I'iiijBiblioth.^cs Autcuts ceivcd feparately t'mm his body; and 1-tc I. cent. n. v -' ; y ' : ls adminiftered without the [cj This letter is an nnfwer to thefe body? five qucftion?, propofed by Lambert t 4. Whether Jefus Chrift is received I. Why the cticharift was then given in the eucharift without a foul, or ani- in a manner different and almoft con- mated i 1 wary to that which Chrift praflifed 5 it 5. The laft quertion is concerning being the cuftom at that time to admi- the i>nlc of thofe w..rdsof the prophec nifler the hoft dipped in wine, whereas Joel t " Who knoweth ir' he will r- our Saviour gave the bitad and wins " turn and repent, and leave a blefl'ing feparately ? ' : behind him?" ARPINAS, or ARPINO (JOSEPH CAESAR), a famous painter, bom in is6o, at the caftle of Arpinas, in the king- dom of Naples. He lived in great intimacy with pope Cle- ment VIII. who conferred upon him the honour of knight- hood, and many other marks of his friendship. In 1600, he vcnt to Paris with cardinal Aldobrandin, who was fent le- gate to the French court, on the marriage of Henry IV. with Mary of Medicis, His Chriftian majefty made Arpinas DifH many prefents, and created him a knight of St. Michael. ^ The colouring of this painter is thought to be cold and in- animate j yet there is fpirit in his deiigns, and his compofi- tions have fomewhat of fire and elevation. The touches of his pencil being free and bold, give therefore pleafure to con- noifleurs in painting ; but they are generally incorrect. What Ibid, he painted of the Roman hiftory is the moft etleemed of all his works. The French king has in his collection the follow- ing pieces of this matter, v.z. the nativity of our Saviour, Diana and Aleon, the rape of EurOpa, and a Sufanna. He died at Rome in 1640. phot Bibl> Cod. $ ARRIAN, a famous hiftorian and philofopher, who lived col. 54. under the emperor Adrian and -he two Antonines born tjjjjjj Nicomedia in Bithynia, was ftyled the fecond Xenophon, H j ftoire and raifed to the moil coniiderable dignities of Rome. 1 il- Empcreu Jemont takes him to be the fame perlbn with that Flaccus torn. u. Arrianus, who, being governor of Cappadocij, ttopped the^' 1 ' incurfions of the Alani, and f?nt an account of his voyage ed. VOL, I. Z iound'7"-