Page:A new and general biographical dictionary; containing an historical and critical account of the lives and writings of the most eminent persons in every nation v1.djvu/391

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A S H M O L E; 355 Hicjacet inclytus illeet eruditiflimua ELI AS ASH MOLE Leichfelderifis armigcrj Inter alia in republica munera, Tributi in cervifias contrarotulator, F;ecialis autejrh Wimiforienfis titulo, Per armos plurimos dignatus ; Qui poft duo connubia in uxorem duxit tcrtiam " ELIZACETHAM GVLIELMI DVGDALE Militis, Garteri principals icgis armorum, filiam; Mortem obiit xvin Mali, MDCXCII. anno zetatis Lrfxvi* Scd durante Mufeo ASHMOLEANO, Oxon. Nunquam moriturus [G]. Betides the works which we have mentioned by Mr. A(h- mole, he left teveral which were publiftied fince his death, and fome which remain ftill in manufcript [H]. ASSER [c] Thus in En^iCi, Here lies the celebrated and moft learnett Elias Aftim'.le, of Litchfield, efq. Amongft other public offices, Thofe of comptroller of the excife, And Windier Herald at Arms, For many years he worthily dilcharged : Who, after two 'marriages, took for his third wife Elizabeth, of William Dugdale, Knightj Garter principal kinp at arms, the daughter ; Breathea his laft, iS May, 1692, in the feventy-fixth ytrar^of his age. But while the Afl-.molean Mufeum at Oxford (land's, He ftali never die. [H] i. ** The Arms, Epitaphs, fe- " the Coins and Medals belonging to (! neltraJ Infcriptions, with the Draught " KingCharlesII." Afoliomanafcript s< of the Tomb?, fee. in all the Churches, in the King's cabinet. in Berkftiire." 4. "A brief Ceremonial of the Feaft This was written in 1666, as we are " of St. George, held at Whitehall, informed by Mr. Wood, who fays it 1661; with other Papers relating to was collected by Mr. Afhmole in 1664 " the Order." and 16^.5, when he viHtcd this county, 5. " Remarkable PafTages, in the by virtue of his deputation from fir " Year 1660, fct down by Elias Afh- Edward Bylhe, Clarencieux king at " mole." arms. The original is in his Nuleum, 6. " An Account of the Coronation of No. 850. " our Kings, tranfciibed from a manii- 2. ' Familiarium illuftrium impera- " Icript in the King's private Uo-

  • ' torumque Romanorum numilmata " fct."

' Oxonia? in Bodleian* Kibliothcc* ar- 7." The Proceedings on '.he Day of " chivis defcrinta et explanata." " the Coronation of King Charles II;' This work was finiihed by the author Mentioned by Anthony Wood i3 in 1659, and given by him to the printed in 1672. public Library of Oxford in 1666, in S. "The Arms, Epitaphs, Sec. in three volumes folio, as it was fitted lor " fome Churches and Houfei in Stafford- the prefs. " (hirt." 3." A Dcfcription and Explanation of 9. "The Arms, Epitaphs, Infcrip- A a 2 rions.