Page:A new and general biographical dictionary; containing an historical and critical account of the lives and writings of the most eminent persons in every nation v1.djvu/392

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A S H M O L E. ? " rim', f;'. in Chffrire, Shropiliire, 13. The Diary of his Life, written DeiKfmrc. Notiin-iiamfhire." by hiirfeli', was published at London 10. " Anl'wers to the Oljefticns urged 17:7, in duodecimo, vith the t-<;- ' : ag i:ifl Mr. Afti:nr!e's being made lowing title, ' Memoirs of the Life " Hi'!<;iio^ the Cider of the " of that learned Antiquary Elus Afti- " Garter. A. D. 1662." " mde, Efq. drawn up by himfeif 11. " A Tranfbtion of John Francis " by way of Diary, with an Appe-dix " Spina's Pook of the Cataftrophe of " of original Letters." Publifhea by " the World."' Charles Burman, E%. 12. " CoHefliarr, "erratks, Notes " on Books and M.uvjftripts." ASSER of St. David's (AssERius MENEVENSIS), author of the Life of King Alfred [A], was born at St. David's, in Pembrc kc-fhire. Being invited by king Alfred to his court', lft 'he gained fo great a fhare in that prince's favour, t.'iat he g.'-vt: adaTn.Sgo.hitn the bifhopiic of Shirburn, and made him abbot cf Lifeof^l-onafteries of Amerfbury and Banv.e!, and, as fir Johti fredthe _ Spelmua tells u?, of Exeter. According to Dr. Cave, it ? r *3 l 6. b '"'w3S he who peifuaded Alfred to found the univerfity of Ox- Du Pin ford, and fettle annual fiipends upon the profeftors of the Bibiioth. veral iciences. We have a Chronicle, or Annals [B], alciibed him - He died in the torn. vii. p. 200. [A] P.:rker, Archl-iiliop cf Canter- tion of It at Oxford, 1722, in cr- edit. Paris bury, fh ft brought this to light fiom a tavo. 1696. CC PY as old as the time of After, and [B] They were publifhed by Dr. had it printed in Saxon tharafters at Thomas Gale, from a manufcript in the London in 15741 it published at library of Trinity college Cambridge, Frankfort, i6cz, in folio, with other in his "HiftoriaeBritannicrE, Saxonicae, Englifh hiftoriins: and Mr. Wife cf " ct Anglo-danicas fcriptores decem." Oxford publilhed a very beautiful edi- Printed ac Oxford in folio, 1691. Life of Dr. ASSHETON (Dr. WILLIAM), fon of Mr. Asflieton, f'vvatTs' re ^ tor ^ Middleton in Lancafliire, was born in 1641 ; and Lond.17/4. being inflrucled in grammar-learning at a private country- Wood's fchool, was removed to Brazen Nofe college at Oxfoid, in Ath.Oxon. j5^g . anc j ele6ted a fellow of his college in 1663. After col. ioa<. taking both his degrees in arts, he went into orders, became Life, &c. chaplain to the duke of Ormond chancellor of that univer- F- 8 - fity ; and was admitted doctor in divinity in January, 1673. In the following month he was nominated to the prebend of Life !'- Knareiburgh, in the church of York ; and whilft he attended p. i 4 . v his p.tron at London,- obtained the living of St. Antholin. In 1676, by the duke's intereft with the family of the St. Johns, he vas piefented to the reclory of Beckenham, iu Kent ; and was often unanimoufly chofen prodor for Ro- chefterin convocation. He was the projector of the fcheme for providing a main- tenance for clergymen's widows and others, by a jointure payable