Page:A new and general biographical dictionary; containing an historical and critical account of the lives and writings of the most eminent persons in every nation v1.djvu/393

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A S S II E T O N. 357 payable by the ?vlcrccrs C. . Tin- 1 rii.rjn:; ' . ; re- ject to perfrjiim tor k no his t ! > ' > f'i>r many y. 1 : ; for /. ffc un-. i.f though enr |udicio< .;::,.. .(he- he found much *.M;}ijuliy ii . :ch a fund as n be a propc" iry to the luMci; . fie firlt addrefTed p< himfelf to the Corporation of the dc:;,:y, v.v. .! they were inn in ;i cept the proppfaj. Meeting with r.:t better luccefs in his next applicati.>;i to the Is. B :iik of Hngland, he applied him Celt' to the M^ Comp-iny, vvh:> ee i with him upon certain rules ;;;* or.liTS, < i v%hic.h ths following are tile chief : That the company will not tai in fuhfcriptions be-, m: i tbe CI:.T of .d thoufand ponnJs ; that all married mm of the ap;e of thirty, or under, nijy funfcribe any (um not exceeding one thoufand pounds; -t ;;!1 married men not exceeding t'^e a.'.e of forty may iubfcribe any lum not exceeding five huiidicd pounds ; that a!l married men not exceed ino; the ae of fixty years may any fum not cxce.-Jin^ tiirte hundred pounds'; that the widovvs of all perilms fubfcribing according to theic limitations fiiall receive the benefit of thirty pounds per cent, per ami. free of all taxes and charges, at the two ufual tcafh of Lady- day and Michaelmas ; and that the tl r ft or" thefe payments (hall be made at the firft of the faid feaft-days which iliall happen four months or more after the deceafe cf the fubfcriber ; excepting fuch as (hall voluntarily make away with thernfelves, or by any at of theirs occafion their owa death, either by duelling, or committing any capital crime: in any or either of thofe cafes, the widows to receive no annuity ; but, upon delivering up the Company's bond, to have the fubfcription-money returned to them : That no fea- faring man may fubfcribe ; nor others who go farther than Holland, Ireland, or the coafts of England : and that any perfon may fubfcribe for any others, whom he frnll nomi- nate in his Jaft will, during the natural life of his wife, if fhe furvive, and his intention to be declared in his fub- icription [A]. [A] The company had feveral meet- above 13,500!. per annum. All ings in committees with the doctor, being agreed upon, the deed ot fettle- about fettling a fufficknt fecurity ; in ment was executed jby the company which they fatisfied him, that their and truftees, at a general court of the cftates, being clear rents, amounted to faid company, heldon the 4th of Ofto- aSSSl. 8s. 8d. (befides the payments of ber, 1699. This deed is enrolled in the benefactors to be paid out of the the high court of chancery, and an au- fjmej which, by a moderate calculation, thcntic copy is kept by the company. vould yield, when the Jeales came out, Life, p. 84, &c. A a 3 Dr,