Page:A new and general biographical dictionary; containing an historical and critical account of the lives and writings of the most eminent persons in every nation v1.djvu/413

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A T T E R B U R Y. 377 <c that they with their father fhouldlivc under the protection " and government of Jofeph." in anl'wcr to this the bifhop informs his brother, that the archdeacon was not dead, but well, and Jikely to continue fo. Hedicd however foon after; and, on th 20th of May, 177.0, the bilhop collated JJr. .Brydgcs, the duke of Chand<>s's brother, to the arch- deaconry, after writing thus in the morning to th* doctor: " 1 hope ou are convinced by what I have fnid and written, " that nothing could have been more improper than the " placing you in that pult immediately under my (elf. Could " I have been eafy under that thought, you may be fure no " man living fhould have had the preference to you." To this the doctor anfwcred .... " There is feme fhew of <c reafon, I mink, for the non-acceptance, but none for the

  • ' not giving it. And fince your lordihip was pleafed to fig-

" nify to me that 1 fhould over-rule you in this matter, I " confefs it was ionic difappointcnent to me .... I hope I " {ha 11 be content with that meaner pott in which I am; my " time at Jangeft being but fhort in this world, and my " health not f'urr'ering me to make thofe necellary applica-

  • ' lions others do : m* do I understand the language of the

tc prefent times; for, I find, I begin to grow an o!d- " fafhioned gentleman, and am ignorant of the weight and " value of words, which in our times rife and fall like " flock." Dr. Lewis Atterbury died at Bath, whither he went for a paralytic diforder, Oclober 20th, 1731 [B]. He publiihed in his life-time two volumes of fermons [c], and four occa- iional ones 1 , befides fome other pieces [DJ. In his will he gave fome few bocjks to r.he libraries at Bedford and Newport, and his whole collection of pamphlets, amounting tj upwards of two hundred volumes, to the library of Chriil-church Ox- [B] He gave direftions in his will 3. "An Anfwer to a popifh Book, to be buried at H'.ghgate, and that a " intitled, ' A truennd modtfl Account monumtnt (hould be erc^iea in the " of the chief points in Controverfy chapel, and aa infcription in fuch or " between the Roman Catholics and like words as he fliould leave behind " the Pruteltants.' By N. Colfon. him. 1706." [c] The firft volume appeared in 4. " The Re-union of Chriflians. 1699, in oftavo. The fccond was <( Tranflated t'rom the French, 170$." publiftied in the fame form in 1703. Purfuant to the directions of Dr, [n] I. " The penitent Lady j iranf- Atterl-.ury's will, Mr. Yardiey, arch- " lat^-d from the French of the famous deacon of Cardigan, hi? executor, pub- " madam La Valliere, 1684," duo- liflied from his manufcripts two Tolumea decimo. of fermons on lelect fubjefls. To 2. " Some Letters relating to the which is prefixed a fhort account of the of the Council of Trent." author. London, 1743, oftavo. ford.