Page:A new and general biographical dictionary; containing an historical and critical account of the lives and writings of the most eminent persons in every nation v1.djvu/414

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37 S ATTERBURY. fore?. Me charged his cfhte for ever with the payment of ten pcumis yearly to a ichool-miftrefs to inftrucl girls at Ncwport-Pagnel, which falary he had himfelf in his life- time paid for many years. He remembered fome of his friends, and left a refpedtful legacy of one hundred pounds to his " dear brother, in token of his true eileem and affec-

  • c tion," as the words of the will are ; and made the biftiop's

fon Ofborn (after his grand-daughter, who did not long fur- vive him] heir to all his fortune. ^ ATTERBURY (FRANCIS), bifhop of Rochefter in the corrected by. r/-v - rt T i A Attcroury's reigns of Queen Anne and King George I. was born March EpiftoUry 5^ 1662, at Middleton, or Milton Keynes, near Newpcrt- " Pagnel, in Buckinghamshire. He had his education in grammar learning at WeFrminfter-fchool ; and thence, in 1680, was elected a ftudent of Omft-Churcri college, Ox- ford : where he foon diftinguifhed hirnfelf for the politenefs of his wit and learning ; and gave early proofs cf his poetical talents, in a Latin verlion of Dryden's " Abfalom and Achi-

  • ' tophel" [AJ, an epigram on " a Lady's Fan" [B], and a

tranflation of fome ** Odes of Horace" [cl. In 1687 he made his firft efiay in controverfial writing, and (hewed him- felt as an able and fhenuous advocate for the Proteftant re- Jigion, in *' An Anfwer to fooie Confiderations on the Spirit

  • k c.f Marti:: Luther, and the Original of the Reforma-

' ::cn [oj." 1'hetime of his entering into holy orders is not ] Tt was publifhed in i63i, in [c] Thefe are all publi/riej with his mder the title of " Abfolon et " piftolary Correfpondence." naj Carmine La- [D] The " Confidsrations on the .turn." Anthony Wood tells " .Spirit of Martin Luther 1 ' were pub- ?, Mr. Atterbury was a/iiued in this l:!lu-d under the name of Mr. Abraham tranflation by Mr. Francis Hickman, Woodhead, an eminent l.oman Catho- fludent of Chrift-Church. Another lie of thofe times, who wrote feveral .-rfion of the fame poem was tracts in defence of tho Church of e fame year at Oxford by Rome : but the true auihor was Mr, ilium Coward of Merton Col- Obadiah Val!:er, mafter of University eminent phyfici;.n. College. The title was, ' Two Dif- rcm:irJc;-.ble that Coward's " c. urfes ; the fitfc, concerning the ing been millaktn for " Spirit of Martin Lmhcr, and the i.)'s by Stackhoufe, the b:f>iop '< Original of the Reformstion. The been dchaud-d uf the honour due " k-cond, concerning the Celibacy of igenious performance, in every " th^ Ckivy." The latter trad was re it has ten men- cenfured in " An Anfwer to a Difcourfe -J, tortile iaft fixty years. It is " concerning the celibacy of the Clergy, . -i to him in Nichols's public.*- " printed at Oxford, )6i>8." Mr. the bifhop's miktilanics, in Atterbury's Anfwer was publiflied the 1 joth of Auguft, 1687, and prefcni> ^j Mifs CfLcrn, the lady to vh'-m ly ;<f'er animadverted upon by Mr. -ry addrcffed thcfe vtjJtf, Thomas Deane, fellow of Uriverfity -i became his wife. College, at the tnd of '^The Religion