Page:A new and general biographical dictionary; containing an historical and critical account of the lives and writings of the most eminent persons in every nation v1.djvu/454

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A Y L O F F E:

  • ' now remaining in the Tower of London, &c." (whfcft

had begun to be printed by the late reverend Mr. Morant), and in the introduction gives a moft judicious and exat ac- iount of our Public Records. He drew up the account of the chnptl of London-Bridge, of whirh an engraving was published by Vertue 1748, and again by the Society of Antiquaries 1777. His hiftorical defcription of the in- terview between Henry VIII. and Frarjcis I. on the Champ tie Drap d'Or, from an original painting at Wind for, and his account of the paintings of the fame age at Cow* dray, were inlerted in the third volume of the Archzeo- I'.'.'jia, and printed feparately, to accompany engravings <! two of thefe pictures by the Society of Antiquaries, 1/75. liis account of the body of Edward I. as it appeared on opening his tomb, 1774, was printed in the fame volume, p. 376. Having been educated, as has been obferved, ac Weftminfter, he acquired an early affedion for that vene- rable cathedral; and his intimate acquaintance with every part of it displayed itfelf in his accurate defcription of five monuments in the choir, engraved in 1779 by the fame So- fciety, who muft reckon, among the many obligations which they owe to his zeal and attention to their interefts, the laft exertions of his life to put their affairs on the moft fefpe&able and advantageous footing, on their removal to their new apartments in Somerfet Place. He fuperin- ilended the new edition of " Leland's Colleclanea," ift nine volumes 8vo. 1770, and alfo of the 41 Liber Niger Jkaccarii," in two volumes 8vo. 1771; to each of which he added a valuable appendix ; to the latter the charters of Kingfton on Thames, of which his father was recorder. He alfo revifed through the prefs a new edition of Hearne'a

  • ' Curious Difcourfes, 1771," two volumes 8vo ; and

Jikewife the " Regiftrum Roffenfe," publifhed by Mr, Thorpe in 1769, folio. At the beginning of the feventh volume of ' Somers's Tradls" is advertifed, A Collec- 44 tion of Debates in Parliament before the Reftoration,

    • from MSS. by Sir Jofeph AylofFe, bart." which is fup-

pofed never to have appeared. In January 1734, he mar- ried Mrs. Margaret Railton (daughter and heirefs of Tho- mas Railton, efq; of Carlifle, in the county of Cumberland, and relidtof Thomas Railton, efq; who died in the commif- lion of the peace for the city of Weftminfter, September 4, 1732); and by this lady he had one fon of his own name, ivho died of the fmall-pox, at Trinity Hall, Cambridge, at the 4^e of twenty one, December 19, 1756. Sir Jofeph died at