Page:A new and general biographical dictionary; containing an historical and critical account of the lives and writings of the most eminent persons in every nation v1.djvu/455

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A Y L O tF E. his houfe at Kcnington Lane, Lambeth, April 19, i;Sr, aged feventy-two ; and was buried in a vault in Hcmifui church with his father and his only Ton. His extenfu'e knowledge of cur national antiquities and municipal lights, and the agreeable manner in which he communicated it to his friends and the public, rnufi make him finccrely regret U-.l by all who had the pleafure of his acquaintance. Such of his MSS. as had not been claimed by his friends, were fold, by auction by Leigh, February 27, 1782. AYSCOUGH (GEORGE EDWARD) [A], Efq; a licute- mnt in the firft regiment of foot-guards, only fon of the Rev. of B ;ver, Dr. Francis Ayfcough (who was tutor to Lord Lyttelton at 1 ' Oxford, and at length Dean of Briflolj by Anne, fifth fiftc;- to his Lord (hip, who add relied a poem to the doctor from Paris, in 1728, printed in Dodfley's feconcl volume. And there are fome verfes to Captain Ayfcough in this young no- bleman's Poems, 1780. He figures in *' The Diabuliad," as does his noble kinfman, Part I. Captain Ayfcoueh was Cent - M^z* alfo author of " Semiramis, a Tragedy," 1777. In Sep- I777>p '" 7 ' tember 1777, he went to the continent for the recovery of his health. While on his travels, he wrote an account of his journey, which, on his return, he published under the title of " Letters from an Officer in the Guards to his Friend in " England; containing fome accounts of France and Italy, " 1778," 8vo. He received however but a temporary relief from the air of the continent. After lingering for a fhort time, he died, October 14, 1779; a few weeks only before his coufm the fecond Lord Lyttelton. Par nobile cwfoirino- rum ! [A] FJIs prefent Majcfly and the late Duke of York >vcre his godfarhcrs. E e 2 INDEX