Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/104

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Darlosgi, v. to singe

Darluchio, v. to sprinkle

Darluniodraeth, the art of drawing

Darluddio, v. to obstruct

Darlunlen, n. a map

Darlunio, v. to portray, to delineate, to represent

Darluniwr, n. an artist, drawer

Darlwybro, v. to tract

Darlwyddo, v. to cause prospering

Darlwythiad, n. a loading

Darlwytho, v. to load

Dalyfnu, v. to polish

Darlyngcu, v. to eructate

Darlynu, v. to adhere

Darlythyru, v. to superscribe

Darlywio, v. to superintend

Darllain, Darllen, v. to read

Darllaw, n. a brewing: v. to pour, to brew

Darllen, v. to read, to peruse

Darllewyrchu, v. to illumine

Darmain, n. a prognostication; v. to prognosticate

Darmerth, n. a preparation

Darmerthiad, n. a preparing

Darmerthu, v. to prepare

Darn, n. a piece, a patch

Darneidio, v. to hop

Darniad, n. a piecing

Darnio, v. to piece, a patch

Darnod, n. distinction

Darnodi, v. to distinguish

Darnofio, v. to swim

Daroddef, v. to suffer

Darofyn, v. to intimate

Darogan, n. prediction; to predict

Daroganiad, n. predicting

Daroganu, v. to predict

Daroganwr, n. a foreteller

Darogwyddo, v. to incline

Daron, n. the thunderer

Darostwng, n. debasement: v. to subdue

Darostyngiad, n. subjection

Darostyngu, v. to be subject

Darpar, n. preparation

Darpariaeth, n. a preparing

Darparu, v. to prepare

Darre, v. to effuse; to blush

Darstain, n. tinkle, a clang; v. to tinkle, to clang

Darsteinio, v. to tinkle

Darswydo, v. to intimidate

Darswyddo, v. to superintend

Darswyno, v. to enchant

Darsylw, n. an observation

Darsylwad, n. observation

Darsylwedd, n. an essence

Darsylweddu, v. to element

Darsylwi, v. to observe

Darsyllu, v. to stare, to gaze

Daru, v. to finish, to end; to tinkle, to clank

Darwain, n. ministration: v. to administer

Darwareu, v. to disport

Darwedd, n. compliancy

Darweddu, v. to direct

Darweiniwr, v. director, leader

Darweithio, v. to supererogate

Darwel, n. perspicacity

Darweled, v. to perceive

Darweliad, n. perception

Darwenu, v. to smile

Darwib, n. a hovering

Darwibio, v. to hover

Darwirio, v. to assert

Darwystlo, v. to pledge

Darymchwelyd, v. to revert

Darymdeithio, v. to sojourn

Darymgeisio, v. to make effort

Darymranu, v. to divide

Darymred, n. an excursion: a colliquation; a diarhœa; run; to move about; to run out

Darymrithio, v. to seem to be

Darymroi, v. to resign

Darymsangu, v. to trample

Darymsathru, v. to tread

Darymsawdd, n. adjunct

Darystain, n. a tinkle, a peal

Darysteinio, v. to tinkle

Dâs, n. a heap; a stack

Dasedig, a. ricked, stacked