Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/113

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Diddigiad, n. an appeasing

Diddillad, a. without clothes

Diddim, n. nothing: a. being nothing; worthless

Diddiogi, a. not lazy

Diddiolch, a. unthankful

Diddirnad, a. not comprehended

Diddiwedd, a. endless, infinite

Diddiwyll, a. uncultivated

Diddolur, a. painless, unailing

Diddori, v. to be unconcerned

Diddos, n. dry shelter: a. without drops

Diddosbarth, a. unclassified

Diddrwg, a. void of evil

Didduw, a. godless, atheistical

Diddwyn, a. being weaned

Diddyblyg, a. undoubled

Diddychryn, a. fearless

Diddyfniad, n. a weaning

Diddyfnu, v. to wean

Diddyled, a. out of debt

Diddym, a. destitute; void

Diddymadwy, a. defeasible

Diddymder, n. nothingness

Diddymedig, a. annulled

Diddymedigaeth, n. abrogation

Diddymiad, n. annihilation

Diddymol, a. annihilating

Diddymu, v. to annihilate; to annul; to depreciate

Diddyrus, a. not intricate

Diddysg, a. unlearned, illiterate

Diebrydol, a. obstructive

Diebrydu, v. to frustrate

Diebyd, n. onset, assault

Dieching, a. unstraitened

Diechrys, a. not alarming

Diechwith, a. not awkward

Diechyr, a. sturdy; inflexible

Diedfydd, a. certain, doubtless

Diedifar, a. impenitent

Dieding, a. unrestrained

Diedlaes, a. without drooping

Diedlid, a. without anger

Diedliw, a. reproachless

Diedlym, a. without pungency

Diedmyg, a. without reverence

Diedrin, a. without battle

Diedrysedd, a. unsuperfluous

Diedw, a. unfaded

Dieddaint, a. incompact

Dieddrin, a. not mysterious

Dieddyl, a. not inherent

Dieflyn, n. a little devil

Diefras, a not slender

Diefrydd, a. unmaimed

Dieffaith, a. ineffectual

Diegin, a. having no germ

Dieglur, a. indistinct

Dieglyd, a. unwavering

Diegni, a. without exertion

Diegryn, a. untrembling

Diegwan, a. not feeble

Diegweddi, a. dowerless

Diegwyl, a. inopportune

Diengyd, v. to flee, to escape

Dieiddil, a. not feeble

Dieiddo, a. without property

Dieilig, a. unharmonious

Dieinig, a. without agitation

Dieiriach, a. without dispute

Dieiriol, a. without intercession

Dieisiau, a. unnecessary

Dieisor, a. matchless

Dieithr, a. without exception

Dielusen, a. without charity

Dielw, a. worthless; ignoble

Diell, a. unblemished, perfect

Diemyg, a. not overthrown

Diemyth, a. infallible

Dien, n. extinction, death: a. calm, without motion

Dienaid, a. inanimate

Dienbyd, a. without peril

Diencil, a. not receding

Dienig, a. sad; without activity

Dienllib, a. irreproachable

Diennill, a. unprofitable

Dienw, a. anonymous

Dienwaededig, a. uncircumcised

Dienwaediad, a. uncircumcision

Dienydd, n. violent death

Dienyddiad, n. a putting to death

Dienyddol, a. life-divesting

Dienyddu, v. to put to death