Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/114

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Dienyddwr, n. an executioner

Dieppil, a. having no issue

Dierbyn, a. without reception

Diergryd, a. without trembling

Diergryn, a. unshaken; fearless

Dierlyd, a. unpursued

Dierwin, a. not rough or harsh

Diesgeulus, a. not intelligent

Diesgud, a. not nimble

Diesmwyth, a. uneasy

Dietifedd, a. childish

Dieuog, a. guiltless

Dieurwydd, n. certainty

Diewyllys, a. intestate

Dif, n. a cast off, ejection

Difa, n. extermination

Difâd, n. an exterminating: a. destitute of good

Difaddeu, a. without remission

Difael, a. profitless

Difaeth, a. without nourishment

Difai, a. blameless, faultless

Difalch, a. void of pride

Difam, a. motherless

Difan, a. spotless, unspotted

Difancoll, a. total loss

Difaniad, n. a vanishing

Difant, n. a vanished state

Difanu, v. to vanish

Difanw, a. evanescent

Difanwl, a. not exact

Difar, a without wrath

Difarf, a. beardless, shaved

Difariaeth, a. without mischief

Difarn, a. void of judgement

Difarw, a. deathless, immortal

Difas, a. not shallow

Difaswedd, a. without levity

Difechni, a. not having bail

Difedydd, a. unbaptized

Difeddiant, a. unpossessed

Difeddw, a. sober

Difefl, a. void of reproach

Difeio, v. to exculpate

Difeiriad, n. a repenting

Difenwad, n. a contemning

Difenwi, v. to contemn

Difenwyd, a. unblest; joyless

Difesur, a. immeasurable

Difeth, a. infallible, certain

Difiad, n. annoyance

Difilain, a. not ferocious

Difin, a. edgeless

Difio, v. to fling; to annoy

Difiog, a. annoying; wild

Diflaen, a. without point

Diflaen, n. beard of a dart: a. without a point

Diflan, a. without lusture; fading

Diflanedigaeth, n. disappearance

Diflaniad, n. a vanishing

Diflanol, a. evanescent

Diflant, n. evanescence

Diflanu, v. to vanish away

Diflas, a. tasteless; disgusting

Diflasdod, n. disgust, insipidity

Diflasiad, n. a disgusting

Diflasu, v. to disgust; to become disgusted

Diflin, a. not tired, unwearied

Diflisg, without shell; unpeeled

Diflodau, a. destitute of flowers

Diflwng, a. not sullen

Difoes, a. void of manners

Difoiwyno, v. to constuperate

Difr, n. a cast; a metre

Difrad, a. not treacherous

Difradw, a not defective

Difraint, a. not privileged

Difraisg, a. not bulky or large

Difrau, a. not fragile or brittle

Difraw, a. fearless; careless

Difrawd, n. dispersion; waste; devastation

Difrawu, v. to grow careless

Difrawwch, n. unconcern

Difreg, a. of frailty

Defreinio, v. to disfranchise

Difri, a. undignified, ignoble

Difrif, a. serious, sedate

Difrig, a. not having tops

Difrisg, a. trackless

Difro, a. exile: n. an exile

Difrodaeth, n. extravagance

Difrodi, v. to make havoc

Difrodiad, n. a washing