Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/132

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Dyllu, v. to overshadow

Dylluan, n. an owl

Dyllwng, v. to let go

Dyllyr, n. the abyss

Dyma, adv. here, lo here

Dymborthi, v. to be mutually aiding; to support one’s self

Dymchwelyd, v. to overturn

Dymchweliad, n. subversion

Dymchweldir, the earth-board of a plough

Dymchwydd, n. a swelling

Dymdanu, v. to spread

Dymddadlu, to dispute together

Dymddenu, v. to allure

Dymddwyn, v. to bear

Dymestyn, v. to extend

Dymfoddio, v. to please one’s self

Dymgadw, v. to abstain

Dymgaru, to be mutually loving

Dymgeio, v. to exert

Dymgelu, v. to conceal

Dymgilio, v. to recede

Dymgodi, v. to lift one’s self

Dymgofio, v. to remember

Dymgredu, v. to trust mutually

Dymguro, v. to beat mutually

Dymgyfarch, v. to greet

Dymgyrchu, v. to resort together

Dymheddu, v. to pacify

Dymhuno, v. to doze

Dymnoddi, v. to take refuge

Dymoddeu, v. to suffer

Dymranu, v. to divide

Dymreddi, v. to resign

Dymuno, v. to desire

Dymunol, a. desirable

Dymuniad, n. a desiring

Dymwadu, v. to deny one’s self

Dymwared, v. to deliver

Dymweled, v. to visit

Dyn, n. a person, a man

Dyna, adv. there; lo there

Dynan, n. a little woman; a lass

Dyndod, n. humanity

Dyndeb, n. manhood

Dyndid, n. manhood, manliness

Dyne, n. effusion; panting

Dynead, n. an effusing

Dyneol, a. effusive; shedding

Dynes, n. a woman, a female

Dynesâu, v. to approximate

Dynesiad, n. accession

Dynesu, v. to draw near

Dynëu, v. to effuse; to shed

Dyngarwch, n. philanthropy

Dyniad, n. human being

Dyniadu, v. to humanise

Dyniawed, n. a steer, a heifer

Dyniolaeth, n. humanity

Dynionach, n. frail men

Dyno, n. a little person

Dynodi, v. to discriminate

Dynoetbi, v. to denudate

Dynol, a. human, of man

Dynoli, v. to make human

Dynoliaeth, n. humanity

Dynos, n. little people

Dynsawdd, n. a person

Dynsodi, v. to personify

Dynsodiant, n. personification

Dynwared, v. to imitate

Dynwarediad, n. imitation

Dynwaredoldeb, n. imitability

Dynyddu, v. to twist

Dynygu, v. to thrive

Dynyn, n. a little man

Dyochri, v. to square

Dyodi, v. to put off, to strip

Dyodwf, n. augmentation

Dyoddef, v. to suffer, to abide

Dyoddefadwy, a. sufferable

Dyoddefaint, n. suffering

Dyoddefgar, a. patient, passive

Dyoddefiad, n. a suffering

Dyoddefant, n. passion

Dyoddefus, a. patient, passive

Dyoddefwr, n. a sufferer

Dyoedi, v. to delay

Dyoerain, v. to cool

Dyofalu, v. to care for

Dyoganu, v. to predict

Dyogwyddo, v. to incline

Dyol, n. a track; a footstep

Dyolaeth, n. a tracing

Dyolaith, n. dissolution