Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/133

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Dyoli, v. to follow a track

Dyolwch, n. gratitude; worship

Dyollwng, v. to let loose

Dyoresgynu, v. to subjugate

Dyorfod, v. to conquer, to overcome

Dyorladu, v. to bless

Dyormesu, v. to molest

Dyosgi, v. to put off, to put

Dyrag, n. progress: prep. before

Dyragu, v. to precede, to go before

Dyrain, v. to frisk about; n. friskness

Dyranu, v. to divide

Dyrathu, v. to rub, to chafe

Dyrawr, n. impulse: a. urgent

Dyrch, n. a rising; an assault

Dyrchaf, n. an assault

Dyrchafael, n. ascension

Dyrchafiad, n. exhaltation

Dyrchafiaeth, n. promotion

Dyrchafol, a. elevating

Dyrchafu, v. to elevate, exalt; to advance; to ascend

Dyrchiad, n. exhaltation

Dyrchu, v. to exalt, to rise

Dyre, n. wantoness, lust

Dyred, v. to move on; to come

Dyredi, v. to run to and fro

Dyreidio, v. to necessitate

Dyres, n. stairs

Dyrewi, v. to freeze

Dyri, n. a kind of metre

Dyrifiad, n. numeration

Dyrnaid, n. a handful

Dyrnchwith, a. left-handed

Dyrnddol, n. handle of a cup

Dyrnfedd, n. hand-breadth

Dyrnflaidd, n. a battle-axe

Dyrnfol, n. a gauntlet

Dyrniad, n. a threshing

Dyrnod, n. a box, a blow

Dyrnu, v. to box, to thresh

Dyrnwr, n. a thresher

Dyroddi, v. to give, to bestow

Dyröi, v. to give, to yield

Dyrraith, n. fate; jeopardy

Dyru, v. to impel, to drive

Dyrwn, n. a hollow noise

Dyrwyddo, v. to accelerate

Dyrwyn, v. to wind, to twist

Dyrwyniad, n. a winding

Dyrwynwr, n. one who winds yarn, a winder

Dyrynu, v. to wind round

Dyrys, a. intricate, entangled

Dyrysi, n. intricacy; a brake

Drysiad, n. an entangling

Dyrysien, n. a briar

Dyryslwyn, n. bramble brake

Dyrysni, n. intricacy

Dyrysu, v. to entangle

Dyrywio, v. to assimilate

Dysail, n. a foundation

Dysathru, v. to tread, to trample

Dyscarthu, v. to cleanse

Dysceulad, n. coagulation

Dysclaer, a. glittering, bright

Dyscleirdeb, n. a splendour

Dyscleiriad, n. a glittering

Dyscleirio, v. to glitter, to shine

Dyscloffi, v. to make lame

Dyscor, n. a tabernacle

Dyscori, v. to shut round

Dyscrio, n. clamour

Dyscyfrith, n. congenial form

Dyscymod, n. agreement

Dyscymodi, v. to concur

Dyscyrchu, v. to gravitate

Dysdyll, n. a dropping

Dysdylliad, n. distillation

Dysdyllu, v. to distil

Dyseiliad, n. a founding

Dysenu, v. to vituperate

Dyserenu, v. to sparkle

Dyseuthu, v. to shoot

Dysg, n. learning, erudition

Dysgad, n. instruction

Dysgadur, n. one instructed

Dysgadwr, n. instructor

Dysgedig, a. learned, instructed

Dysgedigol, a. instructive

Dysgiad, n. tuition, teaching

Dysgliad, n. a dishful

Disgl, n. a dish, platter

Dysgleini, n. a glare

Dysgloen, n. a splinter