Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/159

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Gobrwyo, v. to reward, to remunerate; to bride

Gobrwyol, a. rewarding

Gobryn, n. dessert, merit

Gobrynol, a. meriting

Gobryniad, n. a meriting

Gohrynu, v. to merit, to deserve

Gobwyll, n. consideration

Gobwyllo, v. to consider

Gobwyllus, a. considerate

Gobwys, n. tendency to press

Gobwyso, v. to gravitate

Goganu, v. to lampoon, to sing ironically

Gochel, v. to avoid, to beware

Gocheladwy, a. avoidable

Gochelgar, a. apt to shun

Gochelgarwch, circumspection

Gocheliad, n. a shunning

Gochelog, a. avoiding, wary

Gochelyd, v. to avoid, to shun

Gochrymu, v. to crouch

Gochrynu, v. to quake a little

Gochwaeth, n. a slight taste

Gochwerw, a. somewhat bitter

Gochwilio, v. to search slightly

Gochwith, a. rather awkward

Gochwyth, n. a slight puff

God, n. incontinence; adultery

Godaer, a. slightly importunate

Godaran, n. a hollow murmur

Godarth, n. slightly vapour

Godawel, a. somewhat

Godeb, n. incontinence

Godhog, a. incontinent

Godebyg, a. slight, similar

Godech, n. a lurk, a skulk

Godechfa, n. a lurking place

Godechiad, n. a lurking about

Godechwr, n. a skulker

Godeneu, a. somewhat thin

Godew, a. somewhat thick, or fat

Godid, n. what is out of order

Godidog, a. rare; excellent

God dogrwydd, n. excellence

Godineb, n. adultery

Godinebiad, n. an adultering

Godinebus, a. adulturous

Godinebu, v. to commit adultery

Godinebwr, n. an adulterer

Godlawd, a somewhat poor

Gododdi, v. to dissolve partly

Godor, n. a rupture; a let

Godori, v. interrupt; to let

Godoriant, n. interruption

Godre, n. a skirt, or edge

Godread, n. a skirting

Godref, n. lodge

Godrem, n. a glance

Godremu, v. to glance

Godrig, n. delay; an abode

Godro, n. a milking; v. to milk

Godroad, n. act of milking

Godrudd, a. slightly agitated

Godrwy, n. a wreath, a chain

Goduth, n. a jog trot

Godwrdd, n. murmur

Godwyth, n. slight elasticity

Gody, n. a shed, an outhouse

Godyrfu, v. to rumble

Goddail, n. tender leaves

Goddaith, n. a smothering fire, a burning of a wild

Goddan, n. shrubs, shrubbery

Godde, n. a design, purpose: v. to design, to intend

Goddef, n. sufferance, leave

Goddefaint, n. sufferance

Goddefgar, a. forbearing

Goddefiad, n. a suffering

Goddefiant, n. sufferance

Goddefol, a. passive

Goddefus, a. passive; forbearing

Goddeg, n. utterance, speech

Goddegiad, n. enunciation

Goddeithiad, n. a consuming

Goddeithio, v. to burn heath, &c.

Goddenu, v. to allure gently

Goddeu, n. intent, to design; v. to intend

Goddif, n. a fling: v. to fling

Goddiweddydd, n. day of doom

Goddiweddiad, n. an overtaking

Goddiweddu, v. to overtake