Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/160

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Goddiweddwr, n. overtaker

Goddiwes, v. to overtake

Goddiwesu, v. to come up with

Goddiwestwr, n. overtaker

Goddolawg, a. endowed

Goddoli, v. to enrich, to endow

Godduned, n. a vow; pledge

Godduw, n. a demigod

Goddwr, n. an adviser

Goddyar, n. soft murmur

Goddyariad, n. a murmuring

Goddyaru, v. to murmur

Goddyfod, v. to come gradually

Goddyn, n. an axis

Goen, n. influence, bias

Goer, n. freshness: a. fresh

Gof, n. smith; metallurgist

Gofail, n. smithy

Gofal, n. care, anxiety, solicitude, charge

Gofalhad, n. becoming anxious

Gofalhau, v. to grow anxious

Gofaliad, n. a taking care

Gofalu, v. to care, to mind

Gofalus, a. careful, solicitous

Gofalwr, n. a care-taker

Gofaniaeth, n. a smith’s craft

Gofar, n. wrath, ire, fury

Gofaran, a. apt to be forward

Gofas, a. somewhat shallow

Gofeg, n. mind; will; affection

Gofegol, a. mental

Gofeiliant, n. solicitude

Gofer, n. a rivulet, a rill

Goferiad, n. an effusion

Goferol, a. purling, rippling

Goferu, v. to effuse slowly

Gorferwi, v. to parboil

Gofid, n. affliction, grief

Gofidiad, n. an afflicting

Gofidio, v. to afflict, to grieve

Gofidiol, a. afflixing, vexing

Gofidus, a. vexatious, grievous

Goflaen, n. a front station

Goflawd, n. mill dust

Goflodi, v. to sprinkle flour

Goflwch, n. a small box

Gofod, n. a space, a while

Gofras, a. somewhat course

Gofreg, n. frolic gambol

Gofregedd, n. frolicsomeness

Gofri, n. attribute; glory

Gofriad, n. an attribution

Gofriol, a. conferring dignity

Gofrwy, n. a spread out

Gofrwyd, n. a quirk, a maze

Gofrwysg, n. half drunk

Gofryd, n. design, purpose

Gofryn, n. a hillock

Gofrys, n. a slight haste

Gofunad, n. a vow; a wish

Gofunedu, v. to make a vow

Gofurthiach, n. slight bickering

Gofwr, n. a mound

Gofwy, n. a visit, a visitation

Gofwyo, v. to visit

Gofwyad, n. visitation

Gofwyedig, a. visited

Gofwyol, a. visiting

Gofydd, n. an artist

Gofyddeb, n. a canon: or correspondence

Gofyddebol, a. scientific; canonical

Gofyddiad, n. a rendering scientific, or regular

Gofyddu, v. to render scientific

Gofygedd, n. a dignified state

Gofyn, n. a demand, question: v. to demand, to ask

Gofynag, n. confidence, trust

Gofynaig, n. a request

Gofynedigaeth, n. an inquiry

Gofynedigol, a. inquistorial

Gofyniad, n. an asking; question

Gofynol, a. inquisitive, asking

Gofynnod, note of interrogation

Goffrwd, n. a streamlet

Gog, n. velocity; plenty; the cuckoo

Gogaled, a. somewhat hard

Gogam, a. somewhat crooked

Gogan, n. satire, a lampoon

Goganiad, n. a lampooning

Goganol, a. lampooning

Goganu, v. to satrize, to lampoon

Goganwawd, n. irony