Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/197

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Hardd, a. towering; handsome

Harddedd, n. handsomeness

Harddiad, n. a rendering handsome

Harddiant, n. a rendering comely

Harddineb, n. handsomeness

Harddu, v. to adorn

Harddwch, n. handsomeness

Haredd, n. calmness; peace

Hariad, n. an appeasing

Hariannu, v. to render calm

Hariant, n. quietness

Harl, n. a jangling, a wrangling

Harlach, n. a jangling

Harlu, v. to jangle, to wrangle

Harnais, n. harness

Harneisiad, n. a harnessing

Harneisio, v. to harness

Hatriad, n. a covering

Hatru, v. to cover, to dress

Hau, v. to strew over, to sow

Haul, n. the sun

Hauwr, n. a sower

Haw, n. what is full; an ass

Hawcaid, n. a hod-ful

Hawd, n. a whisk, a sweep

Hawdd, a. feasible, easy, facile

Hawddammawr, n. a welcome

Hawddammori, v. to welcome

Hawddammoriad, n. a welcoming

Hawddfryd, n. ease of mind

Hawddfyd, n. happiness

Hawddgar, a. amiable; lovely

Hawddgarwch, n. amiableness

Hawddineb, n. a facility, easiness

Hawes, n. a female ass

Hawg, n. fullness; perfection; space; while; an age; a hod

Hawg, ad. a while, for sometime

Hawiad, n. a becoming full; a ripening; a becoming inactive

Hawl, n. a demand; a claim

Hawlblaid, n. a plaintiff

Hawlfainc, n. a tribunal

Hawlwr, n. a claimant

Hawn, a. eager; brisk; active

Hawni, n. eagerness; alacrity; flue: v. to run over slighthy

Hawniad, n. a doing over slightly

Hawnid, n. eagerness; briskness; liveliness

Hawnt, n. alacrity; liveliness

Hawntiad, n. an encouraging

Hawntio, v. to encourage

Hawntus, a. full of alacrity

Hawr, n. a spread

Hawriad, n. a spreading out

Hawru, v. to spread, to dilate

Haws, n. ease; more feasible

Hawsder, Hawsdra, n. feasibleness

He, n. a going: a. adventurous, daring,

Hëad, n. a sowing; a scattering, dissemination

Heawd, n. a spreading; a drifting

Heb, n. a pass utterance: prep. without, void of: adv. without; beside, by

Hebgor, n. a being dispensed: v. to put aside, to dispense

Hebgoradwy, a. dispensable

Hebgori, v. to dispense with

Hebgoriad, n. a dispensing with a dispensation

Hebiad, an uttering, utterance

Heblaw, prep. beside: adv. besides

Heboca, v. to hunt with a hawk

Hebog, n. a hawk, a falcon

Heboglys, n. a hawkweed

Hebogydd, n. a hawker

Hebogyddiaeth, n. hawking

Hebogyn, n. a single hawk

Hebol, a. uttering, oral

Hebraëg, n. Hebrew tongue

Hebred, n. external coarse; state of evil, or transmigration

Hebrediad, n. a traversing of the evil circle

Hebredu, v. to go in the evil circle, to transmigrate

Hwbrwng, n. a mission, a sending: v. to go on with, to send

Hebryngiad, n. a sending