Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/196

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a salt box, salt cellar

Halenai, n. a salt-cellar

Halenaidd, a. of a salt quality

Halenog, a. abounding in salt

Haleniad, n. a turning to salt

Halenu, v. to turn to salt

Halenwr, n. a salt merchant

Haliad, n. impregnation

Haliw, n. saliva, spittle

Haliwiad, n. salivation

Haliwio, v. to salivate

Halog, a. saturated with salt, contaminated; polluted

Halogedig, a. contaminated

Halogedigaeth, n. contamination

Halogi, v. to defile; to corrupt

Halogiad, n. a defiling

Haloglw, n. a profane oath

Halogrwydd, n. pollution

Halogwr, n. a defiler

Hallt, a. salt, saline; severe

Halltaidd, a. somewhat salt

Halltedd, n. saltness, salineness

Halltiad, n. a salting

Halltni, n. saltness

Halltol, a. of a saline tendency

Halltu, v. to salt, to make salt

Halltwr, n. salter

Ham, n. cause, circumstance

Hambwyll, n. reflection

Hambwylliad, n. consideration, reflection

Hambwyllo, v. to consider, to reflect

Hamdden, n. leisure, respite

Hamddeniad, n. a taking respite

Hamddenol, a. being at leisure

Hamddenu, v. to make respite

Han, n. what proceeds from; a. produced; separated: prep. from, out of

Hanaeth, n. procedure

Hanawdd, n. derivation

Hanbwyll, n. consideration

Hanbwylliad, n. a considering

Hanbwyllo, v. to consider

Hanbwyllog, a. considerate

Handden, a. being attractive

Handdeniad, n. an attraction

Handdenol, a. attractive

Handdenu, to derive attraction

Handdyfod, v. to be, to become

Hanedig, a. derived, descended

Hanedigaeth, n. derivation

Hanes, n. relation, history

Hanesai, n. historiographer

Hanesgerdd, n. an epic poem

Hanesiad, n. a narration

Hanesiaeth, n. a narration

Hanesol, a. historical

Hanesu, v. to narrate

Haneswr, Hanesydd, a historian

Hanesyddiaeth, n. historiography; history in the abstract

Hanesyn, n. an anecdote

Hanfod, n. existence, being: v. to become existent; to proceed; to exist

Hanfodiad, n. an existing

Hanfodol, a. existent; essential

Hanfodoldeb, n. hypostasis

Hanfodoli, v. to become existent

Haniad, n. a proceeding

Hanner, n. a moiety: a. half

Hannerog, n. moiety: a half share or part; a flitch

Hannergrwn, n. a hemisphere

Hannergylch, n. a semicircle

Hanneriad, n. a halving

Hannerob, n. a flitch of bacon

Hannerog, a. having a moiety

Hannerol, a. relating to half

Hannersain, n. a semitone

Hanneru, v. to half

Hanred, parting off; recession

Hanredoli, v. to render separate

Hanredoliaeth, a separate state

Hanredu, v. to separate

Hanu, v. to proceed, to be derived

Hap, n. luck, chance, fortune

Hapiad, n. a happening

Hapio, v. to happen

Hapiol, a. happening, eventual

Hapus, a. fortunate, happy

Hapusrwydd, n. happiness

Har, n. aptness to over-top