Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/20

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Amgeleddwr, n. a cherisher

Amgelog, a. circumspect

Amgelwch, n. solidtude

Amgen, ad. also; but; otherwise

Amgenach, ad. better; rather

Amgenaeth, n. difference

Amgeneirio, v. to paraphrase

Amgenu, v. to differ, to alter

Amglawdd, n. an entrenchment

Amgloddiad, n. entrenchment

Amgledru, v. to rail round

Amgludo, v. to carry about

Amglwm, n. a clasper

Amglywed, v. to apprehend

Amgasifio, r. to clip round

Amgnoi, v. to bite round, to correde

Amgreiaio, v. to roll about

Amgrom, a. convex

Amgron, a. globular

Amgud, n. a curly lock

Amgudyn, n. a ringlet of hair

Amgudd, n. treasure: a. hidden on all sides

Amguddio, v. to inwrap

Amgudd, a. a choice rarity

Amguddfa, n. a museum

Amgyff, a. support on everyside

Amgyffrawd, n. imagination

Amgyffred, n. comprehension

Amgyffrediad, n. comprehending

Amgyffredol, a. comprehensible

Amgyffredu, v. to comprehend

Amgyffroad, thorough agitation

Amgyffroi, v. to agitate all round

Amgylch, n. a circuit; an environ; a. round about

Amgylchedd, n. circumference

Amgylchiad, n. a surrounding

Amgylchiadol, a. circumscribing

Amgylchu, v. to surround

Amglchyn, n. circumferentor

Amgylchyniad, n. encompassing

Amgylchynu, v. to surround

Amgylchynol, a. encompassing

Amgylchynwr, n. circumscriber

Amgyaniwair, v. to hover round

Amgynull, v. to collect again

Amgynnulliad, sub. a collection from all sides

Amgyrhaeddu, v. to extend

Amgywain, v. to carry round

Amhad, n. mixed seed

Amhafal, a. parallel

Amherawdr, n. an emperor

Amhir, a. lengthened round

Amhwedd, sub. intreaty: v. to crave

Amias, n. a sensation round

Amig, n. greediness

Aml, a. often; plentiful

Amlhâd, n. an increasing

Amlhau, v. to multiply

Amlbrïod, n. a polygamist

Amlbriodas, n. polygamy

Amlder, n. frequency

Amldroed, n. polypui

Amlddull, a. multiform

Amldduw, n. polytheist

Amlediad, n. expansion

Amledd, n. abundance; store

Amleglwys, n. pluralist

Amleiriog, a. loquacious

Amlenw, a. multinomial

Amlenwi, v. to fill around

Amlew, a. devouring on all sides

Amlewyrchiad, n. a shining on every side

Amlgell, a. having many cells

Amliaith, a. polyglot

Amlieithog, a. of many languages

Amlifeiriant, n. circumfluence

Amlifiad, n. circulation

Amlifo, v. to flow about

Amlinell, n. surrounding line

Amliw, n. a stain: a. stained

Amliwiad, n. discolouring

Amliwiog, a. motley, coloured

Amlochrog, a. multilateral

Amlosgi, v. to burn round

Amlran, n. many shares

Amlryw, n. miscellany: multifarious

Amlsill, a. polysyllabical

Amlwedd, a. of divert forms

Amlwg, a. apparent, evident

Amlygder, n. conspiciousness