Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/21

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Amlygedig, a. manifested

Amlygedd, n. apparentness

Amlygiad, n. manifestation

Amlygiadol, a. explanatory

Amlygol, a. demonstrative

Amlygrwydd, n. obviousness

Amlygu, v. to manifest

Amlynu, v. to adhere around

Ammaeth, n. dainty

Ammau, Ammheu, v. to doubt

Ammawr, v. placidity

Ammeuthu, v. to make dainty

Ammeuthyn, a. rare, dainty

Ammheuad, n. a doubting

Ammheuaeth, n. doubt

Ammheugar, a. hesitating

Ammheüus, a. doubting

Amheuol, a. doubtful

Amheuwr, n. a sceptic

Ammod, n. a contract

Ammodi, v. to corenant

Ammodiad, n. a contracting

Ammodol, a. conditional

Ammodwr, n. a contractor

Ammwyth, n. a carousal

Amnaid, n. a beck

Amneidiad, n. a beckoning

Amner, n. a purse

Amnerydd, n. a purser

Amorchudd, n. a cover around

Amrafael, n. contention

Amrafaelgar, a. contentious

Amrafaeliad, n. a bickering

Amrafaelio, v. to contend

Amrafaelus, a. contentious

Amran, n. circular division

Amraniad, n. division round

Amrant, n. the eye-lid

Amrant-hun, n. a short nap

Amrantu, v. to wink, to blink

Amranu, v. to divide round

Amrentyn, n. close of the eye

Amrith, a. of various aspects

Amrosgo, a. vast, unwieldy

Amrwygiad, n. dilapidation

Amrwym, a. a bandage round

Amrwymo, v. to bind round about

Amryallu, v. multipotent

Amrydwll, a. full of holes, porous

Amrydyb, n. a parados

Amryddarn, a. of various pieces

Amryddull, a. multiform

Amryfal, a. divers, sundry

Amrafaeledd, n. diversity

Amryfaliad, n. diversifying

Amryfalu, v. to diversify

Amryfath, a. miscellaneous

Amryfawl, a. arrogant, haughty

Amryfeiliad, n. variation

Amryfiad, n. excessiveness

Amryfodd, a. of various modes

Amryfoldeb, n. arrogance

Amryfu, v. to commit excess

Amryfus, a. faulty; excessive

Amryfusedd, n. excess; over sight; a falling out

Amryfuseddu, v. to fall out

Amryfwyd, n. variety of viands

Amrygant, n. a circling rim

Amrygar, a. loved on all sides

Amrygasgliad, n. a complex

Amrygoll, n. loss every way

Amrygur, n. plain in every way

Amrygwyn, n. great tribulation

Amryhollt, a. having many clefts

Amrylais, a. of divers sounds

Amrylaw, a. of various hands

Amrylawr, a. of several floors

Amrylef, a. of many tones

Amryliw, a. of various colours

Ararylon, a. pleased various ways

Amrylun, a. of divers forms

Amrylys, n. mixt herbage

Amrynerth, a. multipotent

Amrysedd, n. excess on all sides

Amryson, n. contention, v. content, to debate

Amrysongar, a. contentious

Amrysongarwch, n. contentiousness

Amrysoniad, n. a contending

Amrysonol, a. contending

Amryw, a. sundry, divers, various

Amrywaith, n. variegated work

Amrywedd, a. of various aspects

Amrywellt, n. variety of grass