Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/232

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Maldodus, a. apt to dally

Maledig, a. bruised, ground

Maledd, n. dalliance; dotage

Maleithr, n. a blain; a kibe

Malen, n. what is of iron; one accustomed to violence; a shield; Bellona

Malerth, n. a chilblain

Maliad, n. a bruising, grinding

Malpai, conj. as if it were

Malu, v. to bruise, to grind. Malu ewyn, to foam

Malur, n. what is reduced small, or mouldered; a mole-hill

Maluriad, n. a mouldering

Maluriedig, a. mouldered

Malurio, v. to pound; to moulder

Maluriol, a. mouldering

Malurion, n. broken particles

Malwod, n. snails

Malwoden, n. a snail

Mall, n. want of energy; softness; a soddened state; malady; evil; blast

Mallaint, Mallawd, n. malaxation

Malldan, n. slow fire

Malldod, n. softness; wantonness; insipidity; a blast

Malldorch, n. kibe on the heel

Malldraul, n. bad digestion

Malledigaeth, n. malaxation

Malledd, n. soft state; a blasted state: wantonness

Mallgno, n. a gnawing pain

Mallgorn, n. core of a horn

Mallt, n. an evil principle

Mallu, v. to seeth; to blast

Mallus, a. sodden; blasted

Mallwaew, n. a dull pain

Mam, n. a mother, a dam. Mam gu, a grandmother

Mamaeth, n. motherhood

Mamai, n. the birth wort

Mamaidd, n. motherly

Mamdref, n. a chief town

Mamddinas, n. a metropolis

Mamedd, n. motherhood

Mameglwys, n. a mother-church

Mameiddio, to become motherly

Mamen, n. a little mother

Mames, n. mother with the first young

Mammaeth, n. a nurse

Mammeuthiad, n. a nursing

Mammeuthu, v. to nurse

Mamog, a. being a mother

Mamogaeth, n. maternity

Mamogi, v. to become a mother

Mamogiad, n. a ewe with young

Mamolrwydd, n. motherliness

Mamwch, n. maternal fondness

Mamwydd, n. a brood goose

Mamwys, n. maternity

Mamwythen, n. the cural vein

Mamychiad, n. a fondling as a mother

Mamychu, v. to fondle as a mother

Mân, n. a space, a spot, a place

Mân, a. small, little, fine, petty. Mân werthwyr, retailers

Manâd, n. a making small

Manad, n. a mass, a lump

Manaid, n. contents of a mould; a lump; a print

Manarfau, n. small arms

Manâu, v. to make small or fine

Manawd, n. a making a space, a location

Manawyd, n. staff of a banner

Manbaill, n. fine flour

Mânbeth, n. a small thing

Manblu, n. down feathers

Mandon, n. dandriff; woodroof

Mandwyn, n. scrofula, king’s evil

Mandwynog, a. strumous, scrofulous

Mandwynol, a. strumatic

Manddall, n. small leaves

Manddarlun, a miniature drawing

Manddarn, n. a small piece, a little bit

Manddellt, n. fine splittings

Manddos, n. small droppings

Manddrain, n. small thorns

Manddryll, n. a small piece

Maned, n. a handbasket