Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/233

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Maneg, n. a gauntlet, a glove. Menyg ellyllon, foxglove

Maneilio, v. to plat fine work

Manfrith, a. finely variegated

Manfritho, v. to stripe finely

Manfriw, a. finely crumbled

Man-galed, a. of a hard grasp

Man-gan, n. fine white flour

Man-gaw, n. delicate work

Man gawiau, n. trifles, toys

Man geinion, n. delicate jewels

Man gerdded, to take short steps

Man-goed, n. brushwood, shrubs

Man-gor, n. a membrane

Man-gre, n. a recess; a tangle

Manhedion, n. flying motes

Maniad, n. a placing, a spotting

Madion, n. small things, empty grains among corn

Manleidr, n. a petty thief

Manlo, n. small coals

Manllwyn, n. mutton flesh

Manod, n. small or fine snow

Manog, a. having space; spotted

Manogen, n. a speckled one

Manol, a. local; spotting; delicate; accurate, exact, minute, particular, fine

Manoli, v. to make nice

Manoliad, n. a making nice

Manolosg, n. small coal

Manon, n. paragon of beauty

Manrinion, n. trifling charms

Manro, n. small pebbles

Manswyddau, n. petty offices

Mant, n. a mandible; a mouth

Mantach, n. a toothless jaw

Mantachu, v. to expose the jaw

Mantai, n. a mumbler

Mantais, n. an advantage

Mantawl, n. a balance

Manteisiad, n. a taking advantage

Manteisio, v. to take advantage

Manteisiol, a. advantageous

Mantell, n. a mantle a cloak

Mantelliad, n. a mantling

Mantellu, v. to mantle

Mantoli, v. to turn scales

Mantoliad, n. a balancing

Manu, v. to make a space, to spot; to impress

Manus, n. husk of corn, chaff

Manw, a. of subtile quality

Manwedd, n. a subtile texture

Manweddu, v. to render fine

Manwg, n. spottedness, pimples

Manwl, a. accurate; nice; careful

Manwlaw, n. a small rain

Manwy, a. fine; rare; subtile

Manwydd, n. brushwood, shrubs

Manwyedd, n. exility, fineness

Manwyn, n. the king’s evil, scrofula

Manwynau, n. strumæ

Manwynog, a. strumous

Manwyo, v. to refine, to subtilise

Manwythi, n. capillary veins

Manyd, n. small grain of corn

Manyglawg, n. the bitter-sweet

Manyglion, n. small particles, of spots; empty grains of corn

Manyledd, n. exactness, nicety

Manyliant, n. refinement

Manylrwydd, n. exactness, minuteness

Manylu, v. render accurate; to become accurate

Manylwch, n. accuracy, nicety

Mäon, n. a people, a multitude; inhabitancy; subjects

Mapwl, n. a knob on the middle of a thing; a mop

Mar, n. what is laid flat

Maran, n. a holme; a strand; a spawning salmon

Marc, n. impression, a mark

Marciad, n. a marking

Marcio, v. to mark, to observe

March, n. a horse, a stallion

Marchalan, n. elecampane

Marchasyn, n. a male ass

Marchâu, v. to ride a horse

Marchbren, n. a main beam

Marchdaran, n. a loud thunder clap

Marchdy, n. a stable

Marchfaen, n. a horse block

Marchfiaren, n. a white brier