Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/261

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v. to appertain, to belong

Perthynad, n. an appertaining

Perthynas, n. relation; appurtenance

Perthynasol, a. appropriate

Perthynasoli, v. to render appropriate

Perthynasu, v. to render appropriate

Perthynedigaeth, appropriation

Perthynol, a. pertaining, relative

Peru, v. to cause; to effect; to bid

Perwg, n. hurdy-gurdy

Perwr, n. a causer; one who orders

Perwraidd, n. liquorice root

Perwydd, n. pear-trees

Perwyl, n. occasion, purpose

Perwylus, a. eventual, incidental

Perydd, n. a causator, a causer

Peryf, n. a causer; a sovereign

Peryg, n. what is extreme

Perygl, n. danger, peril

Perygledd, n. danger

Perygliad, n. an endangering

Peryglu, v. to run into danger

Peryglus, a. dangerous, perilous

Pes, conj. if

Pesgi, v. to feed, to fatten; to grow fat

Pesgiad, n. a feeding, a fattening

Peswch, n. a cough

Pesychiad, n. a coughing

Pesychlyd, a. troubled with cough

Pesychlys, n. the coltsfoot

Pesychu, v. to force out; to cough

Petrus, a. apt to start; hesitating

Petrusad, n. a hesitating

Petrusder, n. hesitation, doubt

Petrusen, n. a startler; partridge

Petrusi, n. startling; hesitation

Petruso, v. to startle; to hesitate

Petrusol, a startling; hesitating

Petryael, Petryal, n. a square: a. square

Peth, n. a thing, a something; a quantity, a part

Peuad, Peuant, n. a panting; a pausing

Peuo, v. to spread out; to pant, to puff; to pause, to hesitate

Peuol, a. panting; pausing

Peuawr, a. hourly: adv. hourly

Peues, n. place of rest; a country

Peufer, a. whining; neighing

Peuferu, v. to whine; to neigh

Peunoeth, a. nocturnal, nightly

Peunos, a. nocturnal, nightly

Pi, n. state of being in, a pie

Pia, n. a pie, a magpie

Piant, n. possession, ownership

Piau, v. to own, to possess

Pib, n. a pipe; a tube; a lax

Pibellu, n. a pipe, a duct, a tube

Pibelliad, n. a piping; a forming of a pipe

Pibellog, a. having a pipe

Pibellu, v. to pipe; to form a pipe

Pibellwr, n. pipe man, a piper

Piben, n. a pipe, a duct, a flue

Piblyd, a. apt to squirt, squirting

Piblys, n. the flixweed

Pibo, v. to pipe; to squirt

Pibol, a. piping; squirting

Pibonwy, n. icicles, sleet

Pibori, n. a piping; a budding: v. to pipe; to tud

Piborig, a. piping; budding

Pibydd, n. piper, pipe player

Pibyddiaeth, n. pipe-playing

Picell, n. a dart, a javelin

Picellai, n. a dart thrower

Picellu, v. to throw a dart

Picffon, n. a pike-staff

Picfforch, n. a pitchfork

Piciad, n. a darting, a going

Picio, v. to dart, to fly suddenly

Picwd, n. the prickled dog, the hound-fish

Picyn, n. a piggin, a noggin

Picynaid, n. a piggin-full

Pid, n. a tapering point

Piff, n. puff, sudden blast

Piffio, v. to puff, to whiff

Pig, n. a point, a pike, a nip; a bill, a beak; the pip

Pigawglys, n. the spinach

Pigfain, a. sharp-pointed

Pigfan, n. mark of a point

Pigfaniad, n. a puncturing