Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/262

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Pigfanu, v. to puncture

Pigfaniad, n. accumination

Pigfeinio, v. to accuminate

Pigin, n. picking pain, stitch

Pigion, n. pickings; selections

Pigl, n. the herb hound’s-tongue

Pigo, v. to prick, to pick, to peck

Pigoden, n. a pickle: a shrew

Pigog, a. pointed, full of points, prickly

Pigoga, n. spinach

Pigwn, n. a cone; a beacon

Pigwrn, n. pinacle, spire

Pigyn, n. a stitch, a pleurisy

Pigyrnu, v. to spire, to briskle up

Pil, n. what hovers; a serjeant; a peal; a creek

Pila, n. a finch

Pilia, n. a moth, a butterfly

Pilaid, a. transient, frail; mean

Pilan, n. a sparrow-hawk

Pilc, n. what turns about

Pilcod, n. minnows

Pilcota, v. to catch minnows

Pildin, n. a gall by riding

Pilden, n. cuticle, rind; fringe

Pilenu, v. to form a cuticle

Piler, n. a pillar, a column

Pileru, v. to build upon pillars, to erect pillars

Pilg, n. a vessel of bark; a laver

Piliad, n. a paring, a peeling

Pilio, v. to peel, to pare, to strip

Pilion, n. peelings, strippings

Pilionen, n. a thin peel, a film

Pilo, n. rod of an apparitor

Pilus, a. transient, frail; mean

Pilwrn, n. a small dart

Pilyn, n. a tegument: a clout; a pillion

Pilynu, v. to put on a vesture

Pilysyn, n. a robe, a pelisse

Pill, n. a pivot; a shaft; a stem, a stock; a tong; a stronghold; a frame; a heater

Pillgorn, n. the neck joint

Pillgun, n. a plug, a stopple

Pillio, v. to shaft, to peg

Pillwydd, n. dead standing trees

Pillyn, n. a small stem; a peg

Pin, n. a pin; a stile, a pen

Pinc, n. a sprig; a finch: a smart, brisk; gay; fine

Pincen, n. a sprig; a spray

Pincio, v. to cover with sprigs

Piniwn, n. a gable end

Pinwydd, n. pine wood

Pioden, n. magpie, pie

Piogen, n. a pie. Piogen y coed, a jay

Pipgnau, n. chesnuts

Pipian, v. to pipe, to pule

Pipre, n. a diarrhœa, a lax

Piser, n. a jug, a pitcher

Pisg, n. a blisters, bladders, pods

Pisgen, n. a wheal; a linden

Pisgenu, v. to blister; to pod

Pisgwrn, n. a pimple, a wheal

Pisgwydd, n. linden trees

Pisgyrnu, v. to break out in pimples

Pistyll, n. spout; cataract

Pistylliad, n. a spouting out

Pistyllio, v. to spout out

Piswydd, n. the dogberry wood

Pitan, n. a teat, nipple

Pitw, a. minute, petty

Pith, n. what is granulated

Pithell, n. the fish shaid

Pla, n. what breaks out; the plague

Plâd, n. a flat piece; a plate

Pladren, n. one who flaunts

Pladres, n. a flaunting woman

Pladur, n. a scythe

Pladuro, v. to use a scythe

Pladurwr, n. a mower

Plaid, n. a side, a party; a partition

Plan, n. a ray; a scion, a shoot

Planad, n. a shooting off: a meteor

Planc, n. a plank, a board

Planed, n. a shooting body; a planet

Planfa, Planigfa, n. plantation

Planiad, n. a shooting; a planting

Planigyn, n. a plant, a shoot

Planol, a. shooting; planting

Plant, n. offspring, children

Plantos, n. little children

Plantog, a. having children