Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/30

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Annhrafferthus, a. unassiduous

Annhras, a. void of kindred

Annhrefig, a. aonresident

Annhrefnu, v. to disorder

Annhrefnus, a. disorderly

Annhreiddiol, a. unpenetrating

Annhremygol, a. undespising

Annhrethadwy, a. untaxable

Annhreiliedig, a. unconsumed

Annhrigiant, n. nonresidence

Annhroseddus, intransgressive

Annhrugarog, a. unmerciful

Annhruthrol, a. unfulsome

Annhrwsiadus, a. unarrayed

Annhrwydded, n. unlicensed

Annhrybelid, a. inelegant

Annhryloyw, a. untransparent

Annhrywanadwy, impenetrable

Aunhuddo, v. to uncover

Annhueddol, a. impartial

Annhwng, a. nonjuring

Annhwyllo, v. to undeceive

Annhwyllodrus, a. unfraudulent

Annhycianus, a. unsuccessful

Annhyciant, n. improsperity

Annhymig, a. unseasonable

Annhymoraidd, a. unseasonable; uncomfortable

Annhyner, a. unkindly, harsh

Annhynged, n. misfortune

Annhyngedfenol, a. unfated

Annhywyll, a. inobscure

Annialedig, a. unrevenged

Anniarhebus, a. unproverbial

Anniog, a. unslothful, not idle

Annibech, a. not sinless

Anniben, a. infinite

Anniblog, a. unbedaggled

Annibynol, a. independent

Annichell, a. without guile

Annichlyn, a. incircumspect

Anniddan, a. comfortless

Anniddig, a. unappeased

Anniddigrwydd, n. peevishness

Anniddos, a. not secured from wet

Anniddymol, undefeasible

Annifaol, a. unconsuming

Anniflanadwy, a. unfading

Annifrif, a. unsedate

Annifrodol, a. undilapidating

Anniffoddadwy, a. unquenchable

Annigiol, a. unoffending

Annigonedd, n. unsufficiency

Annigrifol, a. unamusing

Annileadwy, a. indelible

Annilys, a. uncertain, not sure

Annillynu, v. to make ugly

Anniofal, a. not careless

Anniogel, a. not secure

Annioledig, a. unobliterated

Annirgel, a. unconcealed

Annirmygol, a. undespicable

Annirnadiad, n. inapprehension

Annirprwyol, a. unsupplying

Annirwestwch, n. inabstinency

Annirwyol, not liable to penalty

Anniryw, a. undegenerate

Annisberod, a. undispersed

Annisgynol, a. undescending

Annistrywiol, a. undestructive

Anniwair, a. unclean, unchaste

Anniwallus, a. unsatiating

Anniweirdeb, n. incontinence

Anniwyd, a. indolent

Anniwygiol, a. unreforming

Anniwylledig, a. uncultivated

Annodi, v. to suspend

Annoeth, a. unwise, imprudent

Annoethineb, n. indiscretion

Annofi, v. to become refractory

Annog, n. incitement; v. to indite; to exhort

Annogaeth, n. admonition

Annogedig, a. incited; admonished

Annogiad, n. an inciting

Annogol, a. inciting

Annolurus, a. unpainful

Annoniog, a. giftless, unskilful

Annos, n. a driving; v. to drive to chase

Annuw, a. atheistic; faithless

Annuwiaeth, n. atheism

Annuwiol, a. ungodly, wicked

Annuwioldeb, n. ungodliness