Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/31

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Annwfn, n. the great deep

Annwyd, n. a cold, a chillness Cael yr annwyd, to catch cold

Annwydaidd, a. chilly, cold

Annwydedd, n. chilliness

Annwydog, a. cold, chilly

Annyben, a. void of purpose; endless

Annybendod, n. endlessness; tediousness

Annybenol, a. inconclusive

Annyblyg, a. unfolded

Annychweladwy, a. irreversible

Annychymygol, a. unimaginary

Annyddan, a. comfortless

Annyfal, a. lazy, heedless

Annyfodadwy, a. inaccessable

Annyfrol, a. not watery

Annyffygadwy, a. indefectible

Annygymodol, a. unconciliatory

Annyledus, a. unincumbent

Annylyedog, a. not having claim

Annylynol, a. inconseguent

Annymchweladwy, a. not returnable

Annymunol, a. undesirable

Annynsoddol, a. impersonal

Annynwaredol, a. unimitative

Annyoddefadwy, a. unsufferable

Annyolchgar, a. unthankful

Annyrchafedig, a. unexalted

Annysbeidiol, a. unintermitting

Annysbendawd, n. inconclusiveness

Annysgedig, a. unlearned

Annysglaer, a. not bright

Annysgwyliad, n. inexpectation

Annystaw, a. not silent

Annyundeb, n. disagreement

Annyunol, a. disagreeable

Annywedadwy, a. unspeakable

Annyweddog, a. unconjugal

Annywyllyniog, a. uncultivated

Anobaith, n. hopelessness

Anobeithiad, n. desperation

Anobeithio, v. to despair

Anobeithlon, a. unhopeful

Anobrwy, a. unrequited

Anobryn, a. void of reward

Anocheladwy, a. unavoidable

Anodidog, a. unexelling

Anodinebus, a. unadulterous

Anoddefadwy, a. insufferable

Anoeth, n. incomprehensibility

Anofal, a. careless; imprudent

Anofidiol, a. untroubled

Anofnog, Anofnus, a. fearless

Anofwyedig, a. unvisited

Anofynol, a. uninquisitive

Anogonol, a. inglorious

Anohebol, a. uncorresponding

Anolau, a. indistinct; dark

Anolrhain, a. trackless

Anoludog, a. poor, not rich

Anoluddiol, a. unobstructed

Anolygiadol, a. unspeculative

Anolygus, a. unsightly, ugly

Anollyngedig, a. unloosened

Anorbwyllig, a. not frantic

Anorchestol, a. unescelling

Anorchfygedig, a. unvanquished

Anorchuddio, v. to uncover

Anoresgynadwy, unconquerable

Anorfod, a. unsurmounted

Anoriog, a unfickle; sedate

Anormesol, a. unmolesting

Anorphen, a. endless, infinite

Anorphwyllog, a. undistracted

Anorphwys, a. restless, unquiet

Anorsafol, a. unstationary

Anorthrechol, a. unsubduing

Anorweddol, a. unrecumbent

Anosodedig, a. undeposited

Anosteg, a. unsilent, noisy

Anostyngol, a. unsubjected

Anrhadlon, a. ungracious

Anrhagddarbodus, unforeseem

Anrhagfarnedig, a. unprejudicated

Anrhagflaenol, a. unanticipating

Anrhaghanfodol, a. not pre-existent

Anrhagluniaethol, a not providential

Anrhagorol, a. not excelling

Anrhagrithiol, a. not hypocritial

Anrhaith, n. pillage; distress

Anrhanog, a. unparticipating

Anrheg, t. a pregent, a gift