Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/32

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Anrhegedig, a. presented, gifted

Anrhegiad, n. a presenting

Anrhegol, a. presenting, giving

Anrhegu, v. to present, to give

Anrheidiol, a. not necessitating

Anrheidus, a. not necessitious

Anrheithgar, a. depredatory

Anrheithiad, n. depredation

Anrheithiedig, a. desolate

Anrheithio, v. to prey, to spoil

Anrheithiol, a. depredating

Anrheithiwr, n. a desolater

Anrhiniol, a. unmysterious

Anrhinwedd, n. want of virtue

Anrhithio, v. to disappear

Anrhodresol, a. unostentatious

Anrhoddedig, a. unbestowed

Anrhwydd, a. not free, difficult

Anrhwym, a. unbound, untied

Anrhwystrus, a. unobstructive

Anrhybyddiedig, unforewarned

Anrhydedd, a. honour

Anrhydeddol, a. honouring

Anrhydeddiad, n. honouring

Anrhydeddu, v. to honour

Anrhydeddus, a. honourable

Anrhyddiad, a. void of liberty

Anrhyfygus, a. unpresuming

Anrhythedig, a. undistended

Ansadrwydd, n. instabuity

Ansafadwy, a. unstable

Ansail, a. baseless, vileness

Ansangedig, a. untrampled

Ansalw, a. not vile or mean

Ansarhaus, a. uninsulting

Ansarig, a. not froward

Ansathredig, a. untrodden

Ansawdd, n. a being, a person; astate; a quality

Ansawdd-air, an adjective

Ansefydlog, a. unstationary

Anseibiant, n. want of leisure

Anseiliedig, a. unfounded

Anseiniol, a. unresounding

Ansenol, a. unrebuked

Anserchog, a. void of love

Anserchiad, n. a ceasing to love

Anserchogi, to become loveless

Anserchu, v. to cease loving

Ansiaradus, a. not loquacious

Ansigladwy, a. firm, stable

Ansodi, v. to personify

Ansodol, a. personal

Ansodoldeb, n. personality

Ansoddadwy, a. that may blend

Ansoddi, to endow with quality

Ansoddiad, n. constituting

Ansoddol, a. component

Ansomgar, a. undecerning

Ansoniarus, a. not sonorous

Ansyberwyd, n. incivility

Ansylweddol, a. unsubstantial

Ansymudoldeb, n. immobility

Ansyniad, n. inadvertency

Ansynwyr, a. senseless, witless

Ansyrthiol, a. not apt to fall

Antur, n. an attempt, venture; ad. scarcely, hardly

Anturiad, n. a venturing

Anturiaeth, n. an enterprize

Anturiedig, a. adventured

Anturio, v. to venture

Anturiol, a. adventurous, bold

Anu, v. to contain, to hold

Anudon, n. false oath, perjury

Anudoniaeth, n. perjury

Anudonol, a. falsely swearing

Anufudd, a. disobedient

Anufuddhau, v. to disobey

Anufudd-dod, n. disobedience

Anundeb, a. disunion

Anunion, a. indirect, crooked

Anuniondeb, n. indirectness

Anuno, v. to disunite

Anunol, a. disagreeing

Anurddas, n. dishonour

Anurddasol, a. dishonourable

Anurddasu, v. to dishonour

Anurddo, to deprive of orders

Anwadal, a. unsteady

Anwadalder, n. unsteadiness

Anwadalu, v. to act inconstantly

Anwadalwch, n. fickleness

Anwaddol, a dowerless

Anwaeredd, n. incontinency

Anwahaniad, indiscrimination