Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/41

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Attaliedydd, n. restrainer

Attaliwr, n. restrainer

Attalmu, v. to act upon again

Attarddiad, n. renascence

Attaro, v. to strike again

Atteg, n. a prop, or stay

Attegiad, n. a propping

Attegu, v. to stay, to uphold

Attill, n. reduplication

Attoi, v. to come on again

Attolwg, n. importunity

Attolygu, v. to importune

Attorchi, v. to fold back

Attori, v. to refract

Attrais, n. reprisal

Attraws, a. crossing back

Attref, n. deserted place

Attrefiad, n. depopulation

Attrefnu, v. to arrange anew

Attreg, n. delay; demur

Attreiddio, v. to penetrate again

Attreiglo, v. to roll again

Attreisio, v. to make reprisal

Attrethu, v. to tax again

Attro, n. a recurrence

Attrosi, v. to pass over again

Attrwch, n. recision

Attwf, n. a second growth

Attwg, n. a prospering

Attwyn, v. to bring back, return

Attybiad, n. reconsideration

Attyblygu, v. to reduplicate

Attychwel, v. to return again; n. a fallen back

Attyfiant, n. regermination

Attymp, n. second season

Attynu, v. to pull, or draw back

Attywallt, v. to regurgitate

Athlygu, v. to glance over

Athost, a. pungent, severe

Athrai, n. a falling away

Athrais, n. violence, force

Athraw, n. a teacher, a master

Athrawd, n. calumny

Athrawedig, a. instructed

Athrawiaeth, n. instruction

Athrawiaethu, to indoctrinate, to instruct

Athrawu, n. ontology, v. to instruct

Athrawus, a. instructive

Athrechu, v. to vanquish

Athref, n. a domain, a mansion

Athrefiad, n. domestication

Athrefig, a. domestic, homely

Athrefniad, n. regulation

Athreiddio, v. to penetrate

Athreigliad, n. revolution

Athreio, v. to diminish

Athrem, n. a glance, a look

Athrig, n. a stay, a delay

Athrin, n. a conflict

Athrist, a. very sad, pensive

Athrodi, v. to caluminate, to slander

Athrodiad, n. caluminiating

Athrofa, n. an academy

Athroniaeth, n. philosophy

Athru, a. very pitiful, or vile

Athrugar, a. pitiful; vast

Athrwch, n. a cut through

Athrwm, a. very heavy

Athrwst, n. a great noise

Athrwydd, a. very fluent

Athrylith, n. intuition; genius

Athrylithgar, a. intuitive

Athrywyn, n. happiness, pacification

Athu, v. to go, to proceed

Athyn, a. very tenacious

Athywyll, a. tenebrous

Athywys, v. to conduct

Au, n. the liver: v. to go, to proceed

Auad, n. affection of a liver

Aul, n. dung, manure, soil

Auon, a currency; a halfpenny, a scruple

Aur, n. gold; a golden

Aw, n. a fluid; a flowing

Awch, n. edge; ardency

Awchiad, n. acuteness

Awchlym, a. sharp-edged

Awchlymu, to sharpen, to point

Awchu, v. to sharpen

Awchus, a. keen; greedy

Awd, n. season, opportunity

Awdl, n. an ode; rhyme