Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/42

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Awdwr, n. an author

Awdurdod, n. authority

Awdurdodi, v. authorize

Awduriaeth, n. authorship

Awdwl, Awdlau, n. opportunity

Awel, n. a gale, a breeze, wind

Awelaidd, a. like a soft gale

Awelan, n. a gale, a breeze

Awelog, a. breezy, windy

Awelu, v. to blow a soft gale

Awen, n. genious; fancy; taste

Awenol, a. poetical

Awenu, v. to smile; to simper

Awenydd, n. a poet, a genius

Awenyddiaeth, n. poetry

Awenyddol, a. poetical

Awg, n. keeness; eagerness

Awgrym, n. a sign; a beckoning

Awgrymu, v. to make signs

Awl, n. primeval light; praise

Awn, n. a flowing together of atoms, or particles

Awr, n. an hour. Yn awr, now

Awrgylch, n. horary circle

Awrhon, ad. at present, now

Awrol, a. horary; hourly

Awrlais, n. a clock

Awrwydr, n. an hour-glass

Aws, n. defiance, challenge

Awsaidd, a. ripe; tender, soft

Awst, n. the month of August

Awydd, n. ardent desire: avidity

Awyddfryd, n. zeal

Awyddo, v. to desire earnestly

Awyddol, a. desirous; zealous

Awyddu, v. to be anxious for

Awyddus, a. desirous, eager

Awyn, n. rein of a bridle

Awyr, n. the air, the sky

Awyraidd, a. aërial, airy

Awyrbwysai, n. a barometer

Awyrddysg, n. aerology

Awyrell, n. an air vessel

Awyren, n. air vessel, balloon

Awyrgoel, n. aeromancy

Awyrgylch, n. atmosphere

Awyro, v. to air, to make air

Awyrog, a. pneumatic aërial

Awyrogaeth, n. pneumatics

Awyrolaeth, n. pneumatics

Awyroldeb, a. airiness

Awyroli, v. to become airy

Awyrydd, n. an aërostatist

Awyryddiaeth, n. aërostation

Awys, n. general invitation; marriage rites


Ba, n. a being in; immersion

Baban, n. a babe, baby

Bacon, n. berries

Bacwn, n. bacon

Bacsau, n. stockings without feet

Bach, n. a hook; a grapple: a. little, small, minute

Bachell, n. a grapple; a hook

Bachellu, v. to grapple; to snare

Bachgen, n. a boy, a child

Bachgenaidd, a. boyish, childish

Bachgenos, n. little youngsters

Bachgenyn, n. dim, a little boy

Bachiad, n. a hooking, a grappling: a bending, like a hook

Bachig, a. smallish, dimunitive

Bachigyn, n. a very little thing

Bachog, a. hooked; crooked

Bachol, a. hooking; grappling

Bachu, v. to hook, to hitch; to grapple: to go into nooks

Bâd, n. a boat; a ship’s boat

Badaid, n. a boatful

Badwr, n. a boatman

Badd, n. a bath

Baddon, n. a bathing place

Baedd, n. a boar

Baeddaidd, a. boarish

Baeddgig, n. boar’s flesh

Baeddu, v. to beat, to make one dirty

Baesg, n. the ring of a wheel

Bagad, n. a cluster; a troop

Bagadu, v. to cluster, to bunch

Bagell, n. a nook; a snare

Bagl, n. a crook, a crutch

Baglan, n. a crook, a hook

Baglog, a. having a crook crutched