Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/63

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Ceisiad, n. an extortioner; a bailiff; a tax-gatherer

Ceisid, n. a seeking, a trying

Ceisiedydd, n. one who seeks

Ceisio, v. to seek, to attempt

Ceiswr, n. one who seeks

Ceithiwed, n. bondage

Cel, n. a shelter, a hiding

Celadwy, a. apt to hide, hiding

Celain, a. involved in shades; n. a carcase

Celan, n. a dead body

Celanedd, n. a heap of carcases

Celaneddog, a. strewed with dead

Celaneddu, v. to make carnage

Celc, n. concealment; a wile

Celcadwy, a. concealable

Celciad, n. a concealing

Celcyn, n. dissembler

Celcyniaeth, n. dissimulation

Celdy, n. arbour

Celedig, a. hidden, concealed

Celedigaeth, n. concealment

Celfan, n. place of retreat

Celf, n. art, craft, mystery

Celfi, n. instruments, tools

Celfydd, a. skilful, artful

Celfyddgar, a. scientific

Celfyddus, a. technical

Celfyddyd, n. art, craft

Celfyddydol, a. artificial

Celi, n. the Deity

Celt, n. shelter, covert

Celu, v. to conceal, to hide

Celwrn, n. tub, piece

Celwydd, n. a lie, falsehood

Celwyddo, v. to lie

Celwyddog, a. false, lying

Celwyddus, a. lying

Celwyddwr, n. liar

Celydd, n. sheltered place

Celyn, n. holly wood

Celyneg, n. holly grove

Celynog, a. having holly

Celyrnaid, n. tub-full

Cell, n. cell; seclusion; grove

Cellaig, n. hart, stag

Cellawg, a. abounding with cells

Celli, n. grove; bower

Cellt, n. flint stone

Cellwair, n. a joke: v. to joke

Cellweirgar, a. jocular

Cellweiriad, n. a joking

Cellweirio, v. to joke; to hint

Cellweiriol, a. joking

Cellweirus, a. jocular, jesting

Cemi, n. crookedness

Cemmaes, n. a circle for games

Cemyw, n. a male salmon

Cèn, n. a skin, a peel, scales

Cenad, n. messenger, permission

Cenadiaeth, n. an embassy

Cenadol, a. missive, missionary

Cenadu, v. to permit, to send

Cenadwr, n. a messenger

Cenadwri, n. mission, embassy

Cenau, n. a cub, a whelp

Cenaw, n. offspring; a cub, a whelp, a scion

Cenawes, n. a she cub

Cenawg, a. scaly, scurfy

Cenedl, n. kindred, tribe, nation

Cenedlaeth, n. a generation

Cenedlaethol, a. generating

Cenedlawr, n. a progenitor

Cenedlog, a. having a family

Cenedlol, a. of a family

Cenedledig, a. begotten, generated

Cenedledigol, a. generative

Cenedliad, n. procreation

Cenedlig, a. national; gentile

Cenedlu, to beget, to generate

Cenfaint, n. a progeny; a herd

Cenfigen, n. envy, malice

Cenfigeniad, n. an envying

Cenfigenol, a. envying, envious

Cenfigenu, v. to grudge, to envy

Cenfigenus, a. envious, spiteful

Cenin, n. leeks

Ceninen, n. a single leek

Cenllysg, n. a stormy shower; hail stones

Cenu, v. to scale, to scurf

Cêr, n. tools, furniture

Ceraint, n. relatives, kindred

Cerbyd, n. a chariot, a coach