Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/66

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Cistan, n. a small chest

Cistbridd, n. potter’s clay

Cistfaen, n. a stone chest

Cistwely, n. a press-bed

Ciw, a. clever, trim, neat

Ciwdawd, n. a tribe, clan

Ciwed, n. a rabble, a mob

Cladd, n. a trench, a pit

Cladde, n. a chimney piece

Claddedig, a. intrenched, buried

Claddedigaeth, n. burying

Claddfa, n. a burying place

Claddiad, a. burial

Claddu, v. to dig a pit; to bury

Claer, a. clear, bright, shining

Claerder, n. clearness

Claerwen, a. bright shining

Claf, n. a sick person; a. sick, ill, diseased

Clafaidd, a. sickly, indisposed

Clafr, n. scurf, leprosy

Clafdŷ, n. an infirmary

Clafrdŷ, n. lazaretto

Clafrlyd, a. leprous; mangy

Clafru, v. to grow leprous

Clafu, v. to sicken, to fall ill

Clafus, a. sickly, indisposed

Clai, n. clay; marl

Clain, n. prostrate state

Clais, n. a stripe; a mark; a bruise; a rivulet

Clamp, n. a mass; a lump

Clap, n. a lump; a knob

Clapio, v. to make a lump, to grow lumpy

Clapiog, a. lumpy

Clasdir, n. glebe-land

Clasg, n. a heap, a pile

Casordŷ, n. a cloister-house

Clau, a. incessant, even; temperate; sincere

Clauar, a. temperate, mild; lukewarm; indifferent, not ardent

Clauarder, n. temperateness; indifference; lukewarmness

Clauaredd, n. temperature

Clauarineb, n. temperateness

Clauarwch, n. temperateness

Clauaru, v. to make mild

Clawdd, n. dike, ditch, pit; fence or hedge, wall

Clawr, n. a surface, a cover

Claws, n. a close; yard

Cleb, n. driveller

Clebar, n. clack, silly talk

Clebarddus, a. babbling

Clebren, n. a prating, gossip

Clec, n. crack, smack

Cleca, v. to clack, to gossip

Clecai, n. a clacker

Cleciad, n. a cracking

Clecian, v. to crack, to smack

Cledr, n. a flat body; a shingle

Cledren, n. a shingle; a stave

Cledriad, n. a railing, a pailing

Cledrog, a. shingled

Cledru, v. to pail, to rail

Cledrwy, n. lattice-work

Cledd, n. rest; the left; sword north

Cleddeu, n. a blade; a sword

Cleddiwig, n. a delf; a quarry

Cleddof, n. a sword cutler

Cleddog, a. bearing a sword

Cleddyf, n. a blade; a sword

Cleddyfwr, n. swordsman

Cleddyfyddiaeth, n. swordsmanship

Clefri, n. the leprosy

Clefryd, n. erruptive disease

Clefwch, n. disease, ailment

Clefychlyd, a. sickly

Clefychu, v. to fall sick

Clefyd, n. fever, sickness

Clefydog, a. liable to sickness

Clegyr, n. cliff, rock

Clegyrog, a. rugged, rocky

Cleiad, n. casing; a peat

Cleiawg, a. clayey

Cleibwll, n. claypit

Cleidir, n. clay land

Cleien, n. rotten stone

Cleigio, v. to dip, to immerce

Cleilyd, a. clayey, clayish

Cleiniad, n. a lying prostrate

Cleinio, v. to lie prostrate

Cleio, v. to become clay

Cleisio, v. to bruise, to mark