Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/65

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Ceulfraehu, v. to make cheese

Ceunant, n. a ravine, a brook

Ceulon, n. cheese rennet

Ceuo, v. to excavate

Ceuol, a. inclosing

Ci, n. a dog; a holdfast

Ciaidd, a. dog-like, dogged

Cib, n. a cup; a seed-vessel

Cibaid, n. a cup-full

Cibaw, v. to raise a rim; to knit the brow

Cibawg, a. having a cup or shell

Cibddall, a. purblind

Cibddalledd, n. purblindness

Cibddu, a. swarthy, dusky

Cibedrych, v. to glance over

Cibglawr, n. a trap door

Cibled, a. of expanding rim

Cibli, n. a favourite thing

Cibwst, n. chilblains, kibes

Cibyn, n. a cup, a follicle; a shell: half a bushel

Cibynaid, n. half a bushel

Cibynog, a. having a shell

Cic, n. a foot, a kick

Cicio, v. to kick

Cidwm, n. a voracious beast

Cidws, n. a greedy one

Cidysen, n. a goat; a faggot

Cieidd-dra, n. doggedness, savageness

Cieiddio, v. to grow dogged

Cieiddrwydd, a doggedness

Cig, n. flesh; flesh-meat

Cigaidd, a. carneous, like flesh

Cigdy, n. shamble

Cigddysgl, n. a meat dish

Cigfa, n. a shamble

Cigfach, n. a flesh hook

Cigfwyd, n. flesh meat

Cigfran, n. a raven

Ciglyd, a. like flesh, carneous

Cignoeth, a. grinning, snarling

Cigo, v. to grow fleshy

Cigog, a. full of flesh

Cigol, a. of flesh; sarcotic

Cigwain, n. a flesh fork; a spear

Cigweiniad, n. a clutching

Cigwr, Cigydd, n. a butcher

Cigyddiaeth, n. a butcher’s trade

Cigyddio, v. to butcher

Cil, n. a back; a recess; a corner; a retreat, a flight

Cilc, n. a fragment, a corner

Cilchweryn, n. a gland

Cildant, n. alto harp-string

Cildrem, n. a leering look

Cildremio, v. to leer

Cildremydd, n. a leerer

Cildro, n. a turn back

Cildroi, v. to turn backward

Cildyn, a. obstinate, stubborn

Cildynog, a. apt to pull back

Cildynu, v. to pull back

Cilddant, n. a back tooth

Ciledrych, v. to look aside

Cilegored, a. half-open a-jar

Cilegori, v. to half-open

Ciler, n. a butter tray

Cilfach, n. a nook; a creek

Cilgi, n. a cowardly dog

Cilgwthio, v. to drive back

Ciliedig, a. driven back

Cilio, v. to retreat, to withdraw, to go out of the way

Cilolwg, n. a sly look, a leer

Cilolygu, v. to leer aside

Cilwen, n. a half smile

Cilwenu, v. to simper

Cilwg, n. frown of contempt

Cinio, n. a meal; a dinner

Ciniawa, v. to eat a meal; to dine

Cingroen, n. stinking mushroom

Cip, n. a quick pull or snatch

Cipdrem, n. a quick glance

Cipen, n. a grapple, a grapnel

Cipgais, n. a scrambling

Cipgar, a. snatching; captious

Cipio, v. to snatch; to whisk

Cipiol, a. snatching; whisking

Cipiwr, n. a snatcher

Cipyll, n. a dry stump

Ciprys, n. a scramble, a brawl

Ciprysgar, a. brawling

Ciprysu, v. to scramble

Cist, n. a chest, a coffer