Page:A pocket dictionary, Welsh-English.djvu/72

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Cornant, n. a brook, a rill

Cornbig, n. a sea pike

Cornboer, n. phlegm

Cornchwigl, n. a lapwing

Cornchwiglen, n. a lapwing

Cornel, n. a corner, an angle

Cornelog, a. angular

Cornelu, v. to make a corner

Corni, v. to grow horny

Corniad, n. a horning

Cornicell, n. a reed pipe

Cornig, n. a horn; a whirl

Cornio, v. to horn; to butt

Corniog, a. horned; turreted

Cornwyd, n. a pestilence

Cornwydol, a. pestilential

Coron, n. a crown, a diadem

Coronog, a. having a crown, regal

Coronedigaeth, n. coronation

Coroni, v. to crown

Coroniad, n. a crowning

Coronig, n. a coronet

Cors, n. a bog, a quag; a fen

Corsen, n. a bog plant; a reed

Corseniad, n. a reeding

Corsenog, a. full of reeds

Corsenu, v. to reed, to boll

Corsfrwyn, n. bulrushes

Corshwyad, n. a fen duck

Corslwyn, n. a reed bog

Corsog, a. boggy: fenny

Corswig, n. a gelder rose

Cort, n. a cord, a rope

Cordyn, n. a cord, a string

Corwalch, n. a sparrow-hawk

Corwgl, n. a coracle

Corwynt, n. a whirlwind

Coryn, n. crown of the head

Corynrwy, n. a diadem

Corynu, v. to shave the crown

Corysgwr, n. a radiation

Cos, n. an itching

Coygordd, n. a retinue

Cosi, v. to assuage itching

Cosiad, n. a scratching

Cosp, n. chastisement

Cospad, n. a chastising

Cospadwy, a. punishable

Cospedig, a. chastised

Cospedigaeth, n. punishment

Cospedigol, a. castigatory

Cospi, v. to chastise, to punish

Cospiad, n. a punishing

Cospol, a. castigatory

Cospwr, n. a chastiser; a punisher

Cost, n. a coast; cost, charge

Costio, v. to expend; to cost

Costiol, a. relating to cost

Costog, a. sluggish; morose

Costogi, v. to grow surly

Costrel, n. a flaggon; a jar

Costrelaid, n. a jar full

Costrelan, n. a phial; a jar

Costrelig, n. a small jar

Costrelu, v. to put in a jar

Costrelwr, one that puts in a jar

Costus, a. chargeable, dear

Coswr, n. a scratcher

Cosyn, n. a single cheese

Cot, n. a short tail or crop

Coten, n. a little dag or tail

Cotwm, n. a dag-wool; cotton

Cotymog, a. dagged, ermined

Cothi, v. to squirt, to eject

Cothwr, n. an ejector

Cowyllu, v. to envelop

Cowyn, n. the plague

Cowynog, a. full of biles

Crab, n. a crinkle, a shrink

Crach, n. scabs; itch; maneg

Crachen, n. a scab; a crust

Crachenu, v. to form a scab

Crachfeddw, a. half drunk

Crachfeddyg, n. a quack

Crachlyd, a. apt to be scabby

Crachog, a. full of scabs

Craf, n. cloves; claws; garlic

Crafangiad, n. gripe; handful

Crafangc, n. a claw, a crab fish

Crafangiad, a clawing, a griping

Crafangio, v. to claw, to gripe

Crafangwr, n. a clawer, a griper

Crafell, n. a scraper

Crafellu, to use a slice; to scrape

Crafen, n. a flake; a crust

Crafiad, n. a scraping