Page:A record of European armour and arms through seven centuries (Volume 5).djvu/320

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Noyse van Campenhouten, J. E. Die Ambraser Rüstkammer. 130 pl., fol. Innsbrück, 1603. See Schrenk, J. (This edition contains the translation from the Latin into German of the letterpress.)

Nugent, W. T. Art ornamentation upon arms and armour. Mag. of Art, IV (1881) p. 78.

Oplotheca. Catalogue of armour exhibited at the, 20 Lower Brook Street, London. 1st ed., 1817.—Catalogue of sale of the remaining part of the collection at Oxenham's, 29 April 1841.

Ormerod, George. On several ancient swords of state belonging to the earldom of Chester. Vetusta Monumenta, V, pp. 1-4.—The substitution of firearms for the longbow, and contributions to the national armament at Chagford, Devon, in the sixteenth century. Devonshire Assoc., XVII, pp. 337-344.

Ossbahr, C. A. Das fürstliche Zeughaus in Schwarzburg: Catalog. 8vo, pp. 216. Rudolstadt, 1895. See Stockholm.

Paris, Musée d'Artillerie. Les costumes de guerre du neuvième au dix-septième siècle. 36 photo., fol. Paris, 1882.—See also Robert, L., and Le Clerc.

Paris, Musée de Cluny. See Sommerard, E. du, and Yriarte, Ch.

Paris, Musée du Louvre. See Maindron, G. R. M.

Paris, P. Trois Armes de Parade au Musée archéologique de Badajoz. Revue de l'Art ancien et moderne (November 1906).

Paton, Sir Noël. Private catalogue of armour and weapons. Illus., 2 vols., 4to. Edinburgh, 1879.—Catalogue of the collection of, included in the list of additions to the Art, etc., Dept., Royal Soc. Mus. Edin., H.M. Stationery Office, 1911.—Note on the sword of Battle Abbey, formerly in the Meyrick Collection. Proceedings of the Soc. of Antiquaries of Scotland, X, pp. 402-475. See Laking, Sir G. F.

Paul, J. B. History of the Royal Company of Archers of Scotland. Col. pl., 4to. Edinburgh, 1875.

Pellegrini. Di un Armajuolo bellunese del Secolo XVI. Archivio Veneto, X (1875).

Pembroke Sales. Catalogues of, 10 July 1917 and 23 June 1921, at Sotheby, Wilkinson, and Hodge. Illus.

Penguilly L'Haridon. Notice sur les origines du Musée d'Artillerie, Paris, Mourgues frères, 1862.—Catalogue des collections du Cabinet d'Armes de sa Majesté l'Empereur. Paris, 1864.—Album du Cabinet d'Armes, etc., pour faire suite au Catalogue dressé per M. Penguilly L'Haridon. 61 photographs. Paris, 1867.

Petrograd, Imperial Hermitage. Catalogue of the collection of arms in the Imperial Hermitage, Petrograd. E. von Lenz. 8vo. (In Russian.) St. Petersburg, 1908.—Illustrations of the collection of arms in the Imperial Hermitage, Petrograd. (Text in Russian and French.) St. Petersburg, 1908.

Pettitot, C. B., ed. See Saulx-Tavannes.