Page:A record of European armour and arms through seven centuries (Volume 5).djvu/321

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Pidgeon, Henry C. The history of English armour. Liverpool Literary and Philosophical Soc., II, pp. 23-39.—Some account of ancient armour, with special reference to the figure of St. George. Lancashire and Cheshire Historical Soc., I, p. 11. Pistofilo, Bonaventura. Oplomachia di Bonaventura Pistofilo nobile Ferrarese, Dottore, e cavaliere. Nella quale con dottrina morale, politica e militare, e col mezzo delle figure si tratta per la via de teorica, e di pratica del maneggio e dell' uso delle Armi. Tre discorsi di Picca, d'Alebarda, e di moschetto. Obl. 8vo. Siena, 1621.—Il Torneo. 114 pl., 4to. Bologna, 1627. No text. Another ed. 1857. Planché, J. R. Cyclopaedia of costume. 4to, 2 vols. London, 1876.—Handbook to the museum of ornamental Art, in the Art Treasures Exhibition in Manchester: the armoury. 8vo. Manchester, 1857.—On the heaume or tilting helmet. British Archaeological Assoc., VIII, pp. 131-137.—On English helmets of the twelfth to thirteenth centuries. British Archaeological Assoc., X, pp. 137-141. Plon, E. Benvenuto Cellini: recherches sur sa vie, son œuvre et sur les pièces qui lui sont attribuées. Illus., 4to, pp. 414. Paris, 1884. Pollard, H. B. C. The book of the pistol and revolver. Illus., 8vo, pp. 230 + 8. London, 1917. Pollock, Sir Fredk. The forms and history of the sword. (Oxford Lectures.) 8vo, pp. 306 + 8. London, 1890. Porte de Hal, Musée de. See Brussels. Potier, Othmar. Ein Besuch in der Werkstätte eines Fälschers aller Waffen. Leipzig [1900-1].—Die Rüstkammer der Stadt Emden. Antiquitäten Zeitung, X (1902), pp. 6-9. Pratt Sale. Catalogue of, 19 February 1879, at Christie's. Prelle de la Nieppe, E. de. Notes sur les costumes chevaleresques et les armes offensives des douzième, treizième, et quatorzième siècles. 8vo, pp. 35. Nivelles, 1901.—Catalogue des armes et armures du Musée de la Porte de Hal, Bruxelles. 8vo, pp. 566. Brussels, 1902.—Guide du visiteur: Musée de la Porte de Hal, Bruxelles, 8vo, pp. 64. Brussels, 1903.—Inventory of William III of Hainault, 1357. Prior, E. S., and Gardner, A. An account of mediaeval figure-sculpture in England. 855 photos. Cambridge, 1912. Pulszky, C., and E. Radisics and Emile Molinier. Chefs-d'œuvre d'orfévrerie ayant figuré à l'exposition de Budapest. Illus., fol., 2 vols. Paris, 1886. Racinet, Auguste. Le costume historique. Col. pl., fol., 6 vols. Paris, 1888. Radisics, E. See Pulszky, C. Reayo, Juan Quijada de. Doctrina de la Arte de la Cavalliera. Sm. 4to. Medina del Campo, 1548. Reibisch, F. M. Königl: Sächsischen Rüstkammer. Sm. obl. fol. Dresden, n.d.

René (d'Anjou), King of Naples and Sicily. See Champollion-Figeac, ed.

Riaño, J. F. The industrial arts in Spain. Illus., post 8vo. London, 1879.