Page:A record of European armour and arms through seven centuries (Volume 5).djvu/323

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Schultz, A. Zu Waffenkunde, etc.

Schwietering, Julius. Zur Geschichte von Speer und Schwert im zwölfsten Jahrhundert. Illus., pp. 60. Museum für Hamburgische Geschichte, III (1912). Hamburg. Scott, Sir J. S. D. The British Army: its origin, progress, and equipment. Pl., 8vo, 2 vols. London, 1868. Semper, H. Donatello's Leben und Werke. Innsbrück, 1887.—Donatello, seine Zeit und Schule. Vienna, 1875. Seré, F. See Lacroix, P. Seyssel d'Aix, V. Armeria antica e moderna di S. M. Carlo Alberto. 8vo. Turin, 1840. Simancas. Descargos del emperador Carlos V. See Document num. 16, Inventario de la Armería de Valladolid. Skelton, Joseph. Engraved illustrations of ancient armour from the collection at Goodrich Court . . . from the drawings and with the description of Dr. Meyrick. 4to, 2 vols. London, 1830. Smith, C. H. Selections of the ancient costume of Great Britain and Ireland from the seventh to the sixteenth centuries. Col. pl., 4to. London, 1814. Soler, Isidro. Compendio histórico de los Arcabuceros de Madrid, desde su orígen hasta la época presente. 4to. Madrid, 1795. Sommerard, A. du. Les arts au moyen-âge. Pl., fol. Paris, 1838-46. Vol. 6, section on armour. Sommerard, E. du. Catalogue of the Musée de Cluny. 8vo, pp. 690 + 33. Paris, 1881. Sousa Viterbo, F. M. A armeria em Portugal. 2 pts. Acad. des Sciences de Lisbon. Memorias. Nova serie. 2^a classe. Vol. II, pt. 2.

Spain. Documentos Ineditos para la historia de España, Vol. LXXIV. Madrid, 1882.

Spallart, R. de. Tableau historique des Costumes, etc., des principaux peuples de l'antiquité et du moyen-âge. Pl., 8vo, 6 vols. Paris, 1804-6.

Spanish Armour. Catalogue of the sale of, 23 January 1839, at Christie's.

Specht. Geschichte der Waffen. 8vo, 4 vols. Leipzig, 1880.

Spiller Sale. Catalogue of, 30 January 1901, at Christie's. Illus.

Spitzer Sale. Catalogue of, 10 and 11 June 1895. Paris. Illus.

Stafford Sale. Catalogue of, 28 May, etc., 1885, at Christie's.

Starke, E. See Schnedermann.

Statuts des Armuriers de Paris. Recueil des Ordonnances, XVI, p. 679.

Stetten, Paul von. Kunst-Gewerbund Handwerksgeschichte der Stadt Augsburg. 1779.

Stibbert, Il Museo. See Buttin, Ch., and Lensi, A.

Stockholm. Catalogue of the Collection "Livrüstkammeren" Uppsala, 1919. 8vo.—Vesterländska samlingen. Stockholm, 1863. 27 pl.—Objets choisis de la Garde-Robe Royale de Suède. 36 phot. par C. F. Lindberg. Texte par C. A. Ossbahr.