Page:A record of European armour and arms through seven centuries (Volume 5).djvu/324

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Stockholm, 1888.—Kongl. Lifrustkammaren, par C. A. Ossbahr. (Text in Swedish and French.) Fol., 95 pl., 2 vols. Stockholm, 1901.

Stocklein, Hans. Meister des Eisenschnittes. Illus., 4to. Max Schreiber, Elsingen a. N. 1921. [In the Press.]—Das Musterbuch des Augsburger Harnischätzers Jörg Sorg, 1548-63. Munchen, 1921. [In the Press.]

Stothard, Charles Alfred. The monumental effigies of Great Britain. 1st ed., with colours, 1817-32. New ed., with additions by John Hewitt. Fol. London, 1876.—The Bayeux tapestry. Vet. Monumenta, VI.—The Painted Chamber at Westminster. Vet. Monumenta, VI.

Strawberry Hill. Catalogue of the sale at, 16 May 1842.

Strutt, J. Horda Angelcynnan, or a complete view of the manners, customs, arms, etc., of the inhabitants of England. 4to, 3 vols. 1774.

Stuart, Charles. Spur found in the peat at Billie Mire. Berwickshire Naturalists Club, XIII, p. 224.—Antique spur found at Ferney Castles. Berwickshire Naturalists Club, XIII, pp. 204-206.

Tarver, E. J. See Londsdale, H. W.

Teurdanck. Ed. of 1519. Augsburg.

Thausing, M. Albrecht Dürer, sein Leben und Kunst. Illus., 8vo. Leipzig, 1876.

Thenius, Walter. Die Anfänge des stehenden Heerwesens in Kursachsen unter Johann Georg III und Johann Georg IV. pp. 148 + 12. Leipziger Historische Abhandlungen. Hft. 31. Leipzig, 1912.

Thibault, Girard. Académie de l'espée à pied et à cheval. Fol. Leyde, 1628.

Thierbach, Moritz. Die Geschichtliche Entwickelung der Handfeuerwaffen. 8vo, 3 vols. Dresden, 1886-89.

Thode, H. Die Antiken in den Stichen Marc-Anton's, Agostino Veneziano's und Marco Dente's. Pl., 4to, pp. 47 + 6. Leipzig, 1881.

Toison d'Or (Exposition). See Bruges.

Tournament. Ordning via Tomer-spelets-Kungörelse. 4to. Stockholm, 1776.

Tower of London, Armouries. See Cooper, W. D.; Dillon, Vis.; and ffoulkes, C. J.

Traquair, Ramsay. See ffoulkes, C. J.

Trombetta, Paolo. Donatello. Rome, 1887.

Tudor Exhibition. See Cosson, Baron de.

Turin, Armería Reale. See Angelucci, A., and D'Ain, Comte V. de.

Turner, T. H. A short account of Ancient Chivalry and the Description of Armour. 8vo. 1799.

Tzarskoe-Selo, Musée de. Fol., 3 vols. St. Petersburg, 1835-53.

Ubisch, Edgar von, and Wolff, Oskar. Ein Largobardischer Helm in K. Zeughaus zu Berlin. Berlin, 1903 (cf. Vol. i, p. 80, Fig. 63).

Uboldo, A. Descrizione degli elmi posseduti da A. Uboldo. Fol. Milan, 1841.—Descrizione degli scudi possiduti du A. Uboldo. Fol. Milan, 1839.