Page:A revised and enlarged account of the Bobbili zemindari.djvu/155

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subsequent acquisition of these provinces from the Mogul Emperor. Had Pedda Viziaramaraz of Vizianagaram not been killed at Bobbili, it is probable that the Circars would have remained to this day part of the Territories of the Nizam. Orme calls the Bobbili Zemindar 'the first in rank of the Polygars, who call themselves Rajahs.'

"21. In the disturbances which raged in this district in and about the year 1832, the Bobbili Zemindar was of great service to Government in various ways, especially in apprehending Kumbera Venkatarow and his nephew, the murderers of the Palkonda Zemindar's Dewan, who had successfully eluded all efforts on the part of Government Officers to catch them and was deservedly eulogised by Mr. Russel in his reports. Sir Frederic Adam, the Governor, particularly alludes to these facts, and to his having told the Zemindar that Government entertained a high sense of the zeal and loyalty he had evinced in the assistance he had