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rendered to Mr. Russel as Commissioner, in para. 27 of his tour minute (p. 57, Vol. 2—Reports on the disturbances in Purlakemedy, Vizagapatam and Gumsoor); and Government in their Minutes of Consultation (p. 85) directed the Board of Revenue to instruct the Collector of Vizagapatam to convey to the Zemindar of Bobbili the approbation of Government of his conduct in such a manner as may be most gratifying to the Zemindar.

"22. In recent times, the House of Bobbili has always been distinguished for the excellent and prudent management of their Estates. They have always money in hand, and many a Zemindari has been saved from being brought to the hammer by a timely loan from the source.—(Carmichael's Manual).

"23. It has been shown above, that the Bobbili Zemindar's claim to the title of Rajah has not only been recognised uniformly ever since our acquisition of the country, but that