Page:A revised and enlarged account of the Bobbili zemindari.djvu/224

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young Zemindars, and there is none among them who has given more thought to the matter than the Hon'ble the Maharajah who sits in the Council. Some little time ago the Maharajah of Bobbili urged the Government to appoint an Advisory Council to the Newington School of the Court of Wards, and he was supported by other Non-Official Members of this Council as well as by the Press. We have accepted his advice and appointed an Advisory Council, from which we hope that many valuable suggestions will emanate, not only with respect to Newington, but also with respect to general education of young Zemindars, a question which is fraught with many and peculiar difficulties."

The Hon. Mr. G. S. Forbes in presenting the report of the Select Committee on the above Bill and in moving the Bill be taken into consideration paid a tribute to the non-official members of the Select Committee in the following manner:—