Page:A revised and enlarged account of the Bobbili zemindari.djvu/225

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"I cannot pass on to the motion standing in my name without acknowledging the great assistance which the Select Committee received from the Hon'ble Mr. Sankaran Nayar, and the Hon'ble Mr. Govinda Raghava Aiyar, while the experience of the Hon'ble the Maharajah of Bobbili in the Administration of his Great Estates was of much value on several points which came under discussion."

In this year the Maharajah resigned his seat on the Legislative Council.

In connection with the Madras Impartible Estates Act the Maharajah contributed Rs.5,000 to the Zemindars' Lord Ampthill Memorial Fund.

The Maharanee contributed Rs. 1,000 to Lady Ampthill's Nursing Institute.

The Victoria Diamond Jubilee Town Hall at Vizagapatam which was erected by the Maharajah in memory of that auspicious